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Tag "Greece"

“Alexandria” by Yiannis Kotsiras (Live 2012)

I have always been a big fan of Greek music, be it traditional singing, Orthodox singing and even more modern types of Greek music of the Rebetiko style including, for example, Giorgos Dalaras.  Here is an example of Dalaras singing the famous Cuban son “Hasta Siempre Comandante” with Al Di Meola on guitars(!): Today a family member sent me a video of a singer I did not know, Yiannis Kotsiras,

Another warm summer in East Med

by Kakaouskia for the Saker Blog Greetings to the Saker community and readers. Summers tend to be warm in East Mediterranean and not just due to weather. This one is no exception with Greece and Turkey apparently determined to make a stand for what each perceives to be its waters and Exclusive Economic Zone. Before I delve into the existing situation, I feel that some background information is required: about

Letter from Greece

Greek Correspondent for The Saker Blog This article’s purpose is to present the situation in Greece, the epicenter of the fall of civilization… You can also check this clarifying text of Labropoulos to read how it all started and unfolded in 2009-2016.[1] I have also uploaded an excerpt of Mr. Nikitas of the EPAM party[2], where he uncovers the background and the people/motives behind the triggering of the Greek debt

Russian President Vladimir Putin Joint press conference of with Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras

  Following the Russian-Greek talks, Vladimir Putin and Alexis Tsipras made a joint statement for the press. May 27, 2016  Athens Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras (retranslated): I would like to welcome once again President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. President Putin’s visit today after so many years concludes a series of contacts and meetings at the highest level that took place over the last year and that mark a new beginning in our bilateral relations. This meeting is part of the reciprocal Year of Culture between Russia and Greece,

The problem of Greece is not only a tragedy. It is a lie.

by John Pilger original article: An historic betrayal has consumed Greece. Having set aside the mandate of the Greek electorate, the Syriza government has willfully ignored last week’s landslide “No” vote and secretly agreed a raft of repressive, impoverishing measures in return for a “bailout” that means sinister foreign control and a warning to the world. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has pushed through parliament a proposal to cut at

When fear is not enough

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. In his book 1984, George Orwell wrote the following on how to rule over people: He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: ‘How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?’ Winston thought. ‘By making him suffer,’ he said. ‘Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he

How the Empire will strike back

Okay, now that we have all celebrated the beautiful Greek “NO!” to the EU plutocracy, we need to get real again and look at the Empire’s options.  Or, in fact, at the Empire’s option (with no ‘s’ at the end). The Empire is extremely predictable.  The example of Greece is a textbook case of how the Empire uses banks to strangle a country with debt, creates a comprador ruling class,

Statement of Alexis Tsipras after Vote on Referendum: ‘Greece will return Europe to the Peoples’

Transcript : Today is a day of celebration because democracy is a cause to celebrate, to be joyful. And when democracy conquers fear and blackmail, then it also leads to redemption, and a way forward. Today, the Greek people send a very powerful message. A message of dignity, of determination.  A message that they are taking control of their choices. Many may try to ignore the will of a government.

“Greece is being ‘hit’, there’s no doubt about it,”

“Greece is being ‘hit’, there’s no doubt about it,” exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, noting that “[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy … today we have a global empire, and it’s not an American empire. It’s not a national empire… It’s a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule.” John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras statement to the nation & interview of Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis

Full transcript of Alexis Tsipras statement: Greek citizens, We are at a critical juncture regarding the future of this country. Sunday’s referendum is not about whether our country will stay in the Eurozone. This is a given and no one should question this. On Sunday we will choose whether to accept the institutions’ agreement or whether, with the strength of the people’s verdict, we will seek a viable solution. In any

Greece to hold referendum

Europe seems to have a real problem with referenda.  First, the EU categorically rejected the referendum in Crimea, now they have tried to prevent the people of Greece of having a say in their future.  And the EU has failed again – the Greeks will hold their referendum: (please press ‘cc’ to see the English subtitles)

So did Syriza win a victory?

by Alexander Mercouris   Since Greek was granted a 4 month extension there has been a sustained attempt both within Greece and in the English speaking world to claim that it is Syriza rather than the EU hardliners that came out ahead on points.  This is the view of Tsipras but also the view of such Anglophone commentators ranging from Jack Rasmus on the far left to Paul Krugman on

East Mediterranean – Waters starting to warm up and not because of the spring

by Kakaouskia   Some worrying events happened in the Aegean the past couple of days. Turkey has issued a unilateral NOTAM reserving large swathe of the Aegean, including large part of the Hellenic FIR for military exercises with live fire from 01/03/2015 to 31/12/2015. This effectively cut the Aegean in half, but most importantly it included part of Limnos, a Greek island in north Aegean. So in effect, Turkey has

Cyprus – Russia agreements: Testing the waters

by Kakaouskia It is with great surprise that I read the other day that Cyprus and Russia have signed an agreement on allowing the use of Cyprus ports by Russian Navy vessels. Not more so than the fact that this agreement was signed by a president which two years ago spoke openly on applying for entry into Partnership for Peace. First, let us take a look at what was signed.

M. Khazin, “Relevant notes on Greece”

Source: М.Хазин, “Актуально о Греции” Translated by Mikhael   A brief overview of post-election situation in Greece. This is a translation of the Russian version, there is also a published Greek translation There is a new government in Greece. A left-wing government that has a rather complicated relationship with the “sacred right of private ownership”, particularly when it comes to Greek sovereign debt. In other words, it is leaning towards

The limits of what can be expected from the SYRIZA government

by Wayne Hall   Syriza: Voting to join a realm of shared, sustainable prosperity The above analysis of the politics of SYRIZA and its government does not say anything that is untrue, but it leaves out of account a number of points that are relevant in estimating the political potential of the new Greek government. For a start, SYRIZA does not touch on any taboo “conspiracy theory” issues, such as

Syriza: Voting to join a realm of shared, sustainable prosperity

by Mario   Recap: In 1971 Bretton Woods failed. The United States implemented a new strategy: Disregard its twin deficits and act as a gargantuan vacuum cleaner that sucked in the trade surpluses of Germany, Japan and later China, attracting into Wall Street between $3 to $5 billion net on each working day. Forcing productivity and zero real wage rises created a further daily 5$ billion domestically for corporations. All

Who benefits from the expulsion of a Greek athlete from the Olympics?

Frankly, this is a dumb story.  But then, considering how politicized everything “Olympic” really is, it makes me wonder whether there is more to this one that meets the eye. Voula Papachristou Pretty simple summary: a Greek athlete called Voula Papachristou posted the following joke on her Twitter account: “So many Africans in Greece at least West Nile mosquitoes will eat homemade food.” I don’t know about you, but I

What happened?!

The way I see it the results of the vote in Greece are a huge, tectonic *disaster*.   When I heard of these results, my first thoughts were exactly like Carlo’s: “The Greeks are either crazy, or there was severe fraud in the elections“. Indeed, how anybody in their right mind could ever not vote for Syriza and the only person with a clear concept for a solution to the Greek
