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Tag "global crisis"

Putin’s Meeting with heads of international news agencies

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the heads of Russian and foreign news agencies in St. Petersburg on Thursday, June 1 – the first day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2017.   Taking part in the meeting were President of EFE (Spain) Jose Antonio Vera, Editor-in-Chief of PTI (India) Vijay Joshi, Vice President of Kyodo News (Japan) Juno Kondo, General Director of DPA (Germany) Peter Kropsch, Editor-in-Chief of Anadolu (Turkey) Metin Mutanoglu, First

A short survey of the main international actors before the coming crisis

Looking at all the nonsense filling the news recently (Presidential debates in the USA, the dying EU with a Nobel prize, etc.) I get a feeling that we are living through a proverbial “calm before the storm” and that is a good opportunity to make a quick survey of the situation of the main actors of the coming crisis.The EU: contrary to what we see in media reports, the EU
