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Tag "Georgia"

Ukraine and Georgia publicly humiliated at the UN

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Subtitled by Scott In addition to the impotence of the European Union and the crash of western unity, the coronavirus pandemic also clearly showed that the United Nations long ago became a hostage of political games. After the USA, Britain, the EU and their lackeys blocked the declaration that Russia had proposed, our Permanent Delegation in the UN publicly expressed their contempt to those

Why Georgian Authorities Aren’t Admitting Guilt for the 08.08.08 War

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo Georgians are still feel burning in the rear when reminded about their responsibility for the 08.08.08. War. Eleven years have passed and many Tbilisi politicians admitted the truth about those events, but the official “Gabunistan” is still screaming about “Russian aggression.” Why is that? On August 8th, just like every year, our fellow countrymen remind everyone in social media what

Georgian MP Calls for Recognition of Genocide by Russia

by Ruslan Ostashko   Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo   If we got an impression that Euro-Georgian historical amnesia hit its limits, the next voice coming from Gabunistan proves us wrong. The head of the “Georgian Labour Party” Shalva Natelashvili called on the Parliament to adopt a resolution “On the historical and current genocide of the Georgian people.” Our previous material based on online comments left by Europe-loving

Russia Shutters Georgian Democracy

Russia Shutters Georgian Democracy Democracy is in danger once again. The treacherous Putin regime is pressuring Georgia with sanctions, prohibiting flights between the countries and putting it under duress. Naturally, the Russian bear showed its totalitarian face by answering with pressure, a democratic protest of civic society. The pretext for the protests, which have rocked Georgia since June 21st was a visit by a member of the Russian Parliament and

Georgian Rugby Players Kicked Out For Their Russophobic Gestures

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. Into an exile from the Moscow club “Glory” turned for two Georgian rugby players a demonstration of “support for the people of Georgia.” Now Revaz Brodzeli and Saba Ioseliani will have to make a sporting career someplace else… An example of how to deal with the Euro-Georgians over Russophobia antics was shown by the leadership of the Moscow Rugby Club “Slava.” It

NATO at war and other statistical marvels

by Scott Humor NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session, Tbilisi, 26-29 May 2017 “The capital of Georgia, Tbilisi is a historic and a strategic place in the Caucasus region, which gave the country an opportunity to be a connecting hub between the West and the East Unfortunately, our progress is not a pleasant development in the region for some, like the Russian Federation. Moscow has militarily violated Georgia’s territorial sovereignty and

Nino Burdzhanadze: Georgia’s best – if not last – hope?

On July 9th, the famous Georgian politician Nino Burdzhanadze gave a 45min long interview to the Russian radio station Ekho Moskvy in which she made quite a few interesting revelations. Among other things she revealed that Putin had specifically told the Georgian leaders that should they attack the Russian peacekeepers in Ossetia Russia would launch a rescue operation and send more troops into Ossetia. He also warned that if Georgia

Russian Official: Militants Trained in Georgia

Civil Georgia reports: Tbilisi: Georgia hosts “special camps” where militants are trained and then sent to join insurgents in North Caucasus, a senior Russian Interior Ministry official in charge of North Caucasus region has alleged. “Georgia has become visibly active recently,” Nikolai Simakov, deputy head of Interior Ministry’s unit in North Caucasus federal district, said in an interview with Russian newspaper, Vremya Novostei, when asked about foreign aid to militants

Georgia’s internal politics turn into a sad show of paranoid buffoonery (UPDATED!)

Civil Georgia reports: A 30-minute long fake report by Imedi television station on Saturday evening as if Russian troops were advancing to Tbilisi triggered panic and also wave of anger on the television station, which has a nationwide broadcasting. In a brief notice to viewers before the launch of the report, the television station told viewers it was “a simulation” of what might happen in case Russian plans materialize. But

The West Distances Itself from Saakashvili

by Venik (check out Venik’s blog) The visit of Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (from here forward known as Hoop for the sake of brevity) and twenty six NATO representatives to Georgia was largely uneventful. As before, NATO gave Saakashvili no plans, schedules, or guarantees. Georgian president’s appeals to accelerate NATO membership program for his country fell largely on deaf ears. However, some of NATO chief’s remarks are worth consideration. NATO

Russian President Medvedev declares that Russia would retaliate on a NATO member state

Press TV reports: Russia would counter Georgia any day Russia’s president says he would even confront a NATO-member Georgia, as the alliance signals an ‘open road’ for Tbilisi relations. In a recent meeting with a group of journalists, academics and experts in Moscow, President Dmitry Medvedev said he would have ordered an attack on Georgia regardless of its status with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Georgia has concentrated its

The ghost of Stalingrad: can Russia prevent NATO expansion?

This will appear in the next issue of Al-Ahram Weekly The ghost of Stalingradby Eric Walbert NATO’s metamorphosis from Cold War Euro-policeman into the unabashed global military arm of the United States over the past 18 years has left a trail of debris from the Balkans to Afghanistan that will take decades to clear. It is a flagrant violation of the agreement James Baker III made with Soviet president

The Stratfor version of what Israel was doing in Georgia

(thanks for M. for bringing this article to my attention. VS) By George Friedman for Stratfor The Russo-Georgian war continues to resonate, and it is time to expand our view of it. The primary players in Georgia, apart from the Georgians, were the Russians and Americans. On the margins were the Europeans, providing advice and admonitions but carrying little weight. Another player, carrying out a murkier role, was Israel. Israeli

Israel of the Caucasus

By Arnaud de Borchgrave for the Middle-East TimesWASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (UPI) — NATO guarantees that an attack against one member country is an attack against all are no longer what they used to be. Had Georgia been inside NATO, a number of European countries would no longer be willing to consider it an attack against their own soil. For Russia, the geopolitical stars were in perfect alignment. The United States

Hassan Nasrallah says the Georgians were defeated because of Israeli incompetance

Here is an interesting excerpt of an al-Manar summary of a recent speech made by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that “the results of the war are evident even today, in both the military and political fields in Israel.” He said Israel is facing the worst leadership crisis in its history. “The entire front line of the army’s brass stepped down because of the war. Gal Hirsch, who

Russian Air Force strikes military bases and airfields across Georgia (UPDATED)

Russian and Georgian sources are reporting Russian Air Force strikes on Georgian military facilities throughout Georgia. The port of Poti has also reportedly been bombed. Several Georgian aircraft were destroyed on the Marneuli air base near the Georgian capital Tbilissi. The Vaziani military base (25 km from the capital) was also bombed. The airport of Bolnisi is reported “destroyed” by Georgian sources. In the meantime, Russian sources are reporting that

NATO encouraged Georgia – Russian envoy

Russia Today reports: NATO encouraged Georgia Russia’s envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, has sent an official note to representatives of all member countries in Brussels in connection with Georgia’s military actions against South Ossetia. He’s calling on them not to support Mikhail Saakashvili. “Russia has already begun consultations with the ambassadors of the NATO countries and consultations with NATO military representatives will be held tomorrow,” Rogozin said. “We will caution

South Ossetians retake capital

This just in from Interfax (via Press TV): South Ossetian separatists say they are in complete control of the capital Tskhinvali more than 24 hours into a major Georgian military offensive. The statement was made by South Ossetian spokeswoman, Irina Gagloyeva on Friday, the Interfax news agency reported. “The entire city of Tskhinvali is currently controlled by units of South Ossetia’s defense forces… The Georgian side is trying to regain
