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Tag "G8"

The real meaning of the West’s diplomatic defeat at the G8 summit in Lough Erne

Following the 08.08.08 war between Georgia and Russia and the crushing military defeat of the US-backed Saakashvili regime I wrote the following in this blog: The ugly attack by Washington’s Georgian puppet on the Russian peacekeepers combined with the absolutely amazing hypocrisy of the Western media and politicians who all fully sided with the aggressor turned into something of a “last straw” for Russia. This seemingly marginal development, at least

The G8 final communique communique – yet another diplomatic victory for Putin

Full text here.This is the section on Syria: (my comments in blue – The Saker) We are determined to work together to stop the bloodshed and loss of life in Syria and to support the Syrian people to establish peace and stability through political means (in other words, regime change, in particular by means of armed insurrection is not acceptable). We are gravely concerned at the appalling human tragedy that

Anti-Shia plans finalized by NWO elites?

The leaders of the New World Order are clearly engaged in major and intense consultations of how to deal with the “Shia problem”.  Check out this agenda: May 18th – May 19th: G8 Summit in Camp David, MD. May 20th – May 21st: NATO summit in Chicago, Il. May 31st – June 1st: Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly, VA. On the agenda?  Syria and Iran, of course, at least according to
