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Tag "France"

Introduction: A Yellow Vests’ history must rewrite recent & ancient French history

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog For readers who missed the announcement of this new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values, please click here in order to see the short recap of what this book is about and why it’s not only the best French election primer you can find, but necessary reading for anyone who wants to understand the Yellow Vests and modern

France’s conservatives cry out for National Socialism – Zemmour’s response?

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog The two big differences between 2017 and 2022 are that back then France had a presidential candidate who should have been called a National Socialist, and that in 2022 the country has somehow moved even further to the right. History will show that back in 2017 the Great Financial Crisis – just the latest failure of Western liberalism – had inflamed the masses

France: Translation of Initial Response by Other Officers April 27 2021 – Part 2

Translated by Gary Littlejohn for the Saker Blog Part 1 – Contains the first two letters Part 2 – Contains the next two letters Part 3 – Commentary Profession Gendarme Response to the call of a thousand military personnel On April 20 and 25, 2021 we published on the site “When the soldiers speak, the hour is serious” as well as “For a return of the honor of our rulers”:

Coronavirus – Macron’s savior. A ‘united Europe’ – France’s murderer

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Paris has been a terrible place to live for over five years now – even tourists can tell. The Charlie Hebdo attacks in January 2015 (because they just had to draw pornographic pictures of Prophet Mohammad) kicked off a fear-based culture which has culminated in the world’s most over-policed coronavirus lockdown, with over 800,000 citations issued. But it’s been an endless climb of

Vladimir Putin’s interview with Le Figaro

President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to French Le Figaro newspaper, at the Russian Cultural Centre in Paris. The interview was recorded on May 29 in Paris during the President’s visit to France. Turn the English captions “ON” by using the button “CC” located in the control bar for a video. Interview with French newspaper Le Figaro Question (retranslated): A very good afternoon. Thank you very much for agreeing to answer questions

Address to the eternals Bouvard and Péruchet on the occasion of an electoral farce in progress

With thanks to the Saker, for posting Jean Ferrat on line, and in memory of Me Vergès. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. Matthew 23:27 There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn’t want to see. There is no worse deaf man than the one

Poroshenko doesn’t want another Maidan SITREP

Maidan has come full circle: masked protesters took down the EU flags in Kiev and Social Media exploded with the revelations that Maidan was Russia’s plan to push Ukraine into the EU to destroy them both. June 2015,  the EU flag raised over City Hall in Kiev.   March 2017, Extremists from the Right Sector took down all the EU flags outside of the administrative buildings in Kiev   “I

France’s election in total chaos for the mainstream

by Ramin Mazaheri Is this the end of France’s mainstream political parties? The day of reckoning certainly should be near. When 77% of France believes parliamentarians, are corrupt then you have a fundamental problem with your system. If you don’t trust you’re the highest rung of the legislative branch, then that house needs to be purged. It seems it’s going to happen this election cycle for the executive branch, at

GONE TO HELL Paris – October 3rd, 2016

GONE TO HELL Paris – October 3rd, 2016 When good Americans die, they go to Paris.  said Oscar Wilde. Paris is also the place where good Africans and Arabs come to survive after good Americans and French destroyed their countries, their way of life, their healthcare and education systems, their governments, their homes, roads and water supplies. In Russia it’s called Ukrainization of Europe. It’s an old  tried-and-true method to

Like with MH17 in Ukraine EgyptAir Flight MS804 crash is prequential to the US war on Egypt, by Scott

The US State Secretary John Kerry traveled on Wednesday May 18th to the presidential palace in Egypt.  In news “The US secretary of state has held talks with the Egyptian president in Cario on the country’s political situation and peace proposals for the region, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Translating from the political doublespeak into English: The US and Israel tried to push Egypt to drop its support for the upcoming

Is there any reason to hope for France?

by Cosimo A A few people asked me if there’s any reason to hope for France to get better.  This is my 2 cents worth. I might shock you by commenting that as things stand, France is in a much better situation that the US. Let’s start with a nice fun slice of reality, a pleasant truth. Here’s a 1 minute Youtube of Dieudonné, the humorist, at the Zenith hall in

Roger Waters tells France: ‘Supporters of BDS, attacked by your judiciary, have my unequivocal respect and love’

by Roger Waters for Mondoweiss ——- Two days ago we posted about the brave pushback in France against legislation that makes it a crime to advocate for boycott of Israel. We were then informed that Roger Waters had sent a letter to the French people, via a French news agency, on this very subject some weeks ago that has never been published. We are publishing it here. – Mondoweiss Editors.

Putin, Hollande speak after Moscow talks LIVE

Putin and Hollande give a joint press conference following their meeting – English Audio Video starts at 0:33 seconds Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande held a joint press conference in Moscow, Thursday following a meeting to discuss joint action in combatting militant groups in Syria. The Russian President spoke about an “industrial scale” of illegal oil sales from militant-held areas of Syria, stating that “day and

France at war with alternative medias

By Cyrano They were thousands of people marching all over France for Freedom of Speech, chanting JE SUIS CHARLIE, after the killing of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists. No surprise there. Arguing in France is a national sport, the French just love to discuss the pros and cons of such and such ideas and to defend their point of view in discussions that can last forever. However, some had doubts about the

Open letter of the members of the French Resistance to President Hollande

The voice of France, the UN and Russia, an open letter to Monsieur le Président de la République Monsieur le Président de la République Fascisme is reemerging everywhere in Europe, singularly in countries which have been freed from the USSR where powerful and dark forces are using NéoNazism as an ideological vector for their national emancipation and their territorial sovereignty .In these circles and beyond them, the Ukrainian crisis, which

Glorification of terrorism: a teenager prosecuted in France because of a cartoon on Facebook

by numerama, 17/1/2015 Translated by Jenny Bright for Tlaxcala   A 16 year-old teenager in France was indicted for glorifying terrorism after he published a cartoon representing a character with the Charlie Hebdo journal, hit by bullets, with an accompanying ironic comment. The current situation is, to say the least, paradoxical. Last weekend, following the terrible attacks that took place right in the middle of Paris, large rallies were held

The Empire on the offensive in France and Russia

The latest issues of Charlie Hebdo has been printed at 3 million copies (some sources said 5 million). They go on ebay for up to 300 Euros. RT reports that “Sunni Islam’s most renowned center of learning, Al-Azhar in Cairo, said that the cartoons “stir up hatred” and “do not serve the peaceful coexistence between peoples.” Tabnak, a conservative online outlet in Iran, wrote that “Charlie Hebdo has again insulted

Jacob Cohen “Documenterview”: the Sayanim, Dieudonné and the French dissident movement

I have been contacted today by the producers of a most interesting and unique documentary entitled Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” who informed me that their video was now available on YouTube in a seven-part series you can see here: I asked them to make the video available in one file, they told me that they would do that, but that in the meantime I could use a special embed code

State repression in France only makes the Resistance grow stronger

Last November I wrote a piece entitled “Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?” in which I described struggle which was taking place between the French people and the Zionist plutocracy which has ruled France over the past decades (roughly since 1969) and today I am returning to this topic as events have rapidly accelerated and taken a sharp turn for the worse.  A number of most interesting things
