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Tag "finkelstein"

Finkelstein says NO to Crocodile Tears

(I just saw this on Gilad’s blog and it’s too good to pass) Note: the full movie can be downloaded from the Pirate Bay here: It is worth noting that unlike some pseudo-progressives or anarcho-capitalists, the producers of this movie are not threatening lawsuits about the so-called “illegal” downloads of their movie. Instead, they posted this message on The Pirate Bay: Hello torrenters. I’m the owner of the film

US political author Norman Finkelstein denied entry to Israel

Jerusalem – The US political author and critic of Israel Norman Finkelstein was denied entry to the Jewish state on Friday, his lawyer said. Finkelstein landed at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv in the early morning and was told by a representative of the ministry of interior that he would not be allowed into the country on ‘security’ grounds, attorney Michael Sfard told dpa. ‘This usually means a

Absolutely amazing interview with Norman Finkelstein

I just came across this interview with Norman Finkelstein. While it is already 2 years old, it is even *more* relevant, I would even say more prophetic, today. I got to give that to Finkelstein: he has got tremendous courage and integrity. He should be an example to all of us. I should mention here that the TV station Finkelstein is being interviewed by is Hariri’s “Future TV” (the one
