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Tag "Fatah Al-Islam"

Hamas Flag Goes Up in Lebanon Camps

By Anand Gopal BADDAWI CAMP, Lebanon, Sep 5 (IPS) – There is a new look to the entrance of the Palestinian refugee camp Baddawi in northern Lebanon. Hanging above the armed man who guards the entrance are posters of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the slain spiritual leader of Hamas, and other fighters from the Palestinian guerrilla group. Nearby, a huge Hamas banner covers the side of a house, and down the

Can you guess where the Fatah al-Islam roots are?

The Arab extension of Fatah al-Islam When the battle between the Lebanese army and the Fatah al-Islam militant group broke out on the 20th of May, pro-February 14 (supporters of Siniora and his Imperial bosses – VS) media outlets sought to exploit the incident and link the militant group to Syria, overlooking the diversity in the nationalities of its members. Sultan Abul Aynain, the secretary of PLO factions said in

The inside story of Fatah al Islam’s leader Shaker al-Absi

Here is an interesting, if clearly hostile, biography of the leader of the Fatah al-Islam, the Lebanese subsidiary of Al-Qaeda which seems to be supported by the so-called Welch Club and the USA and Saudi Arabia following the “redirection” of US foreign policy in the Middle-East. The Inside Story of Fatah al-Islam’s leader by Sami Haddad for the website Ya Libnan Beirut, Lebanon – A look at the history behind

More info on the Lebanease crisis: Who’s Behind the Fighting in North Lebanon?

Inside Narh al-Bared and Bedawi Refugee Camps By Franklin Lamb Tripoli, Lebanon. Wearing a beat-up ratty UNCHR tee-shirt left over from Bint Jbeil and the Israeli-Hezbollah July probably helped. As did, I suspect, the Red Cross jersey, my black and white checkered kaffieyh and the Palestinian flag taped to my lapel as I joined a group of Palestinian aid workers and slipped into Nahr el-Bared trying not to look conspicuous.

The Neocon regime in Washington starts yet another war

First there was Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Somalia (yes, this is a US started war), and now there is Lebanon/Palestine. Please follow me here step by step: For a description of the US “redirection”, i.e. using Al-Qaeda to fight Hezbollah and the Shia in Iraq, please read this. Then for a description of what the effects on the groud are, read this. For a confirmation that the US is, indeed,
