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Tag "fake spies"

US and Russia swapping ‘spies’

(Carlo – I reply to your emails via this post for all, I hope you don’t mind – VS) Now its official: the USA and Russia have swapped ‘spies’. Or are they?! Well, the Russians have for sure released some very real spies, including a nuclear scientist and even a former GRU Colonel (now that there is no death penalty in Russia, this guy should, IMHO, have received life without

US “lobby war” behind Russian spy charges

(yet again, thanks to F. for pointing out this article to me! VS) by Robert Bridge for RT: As international special interest groups are vying for influence in the US government, the line between espionage and lobbying work is becoming dangerously vague. The US Justice Department announced on Monday that 10 individuals were arrested on charges of working as “agents of a foreign government [i.e. Russia] without notifying the US
