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Tag "etymology"

The Other Ukraine

by arras for The Saker blog Ukraine is a country in the Eastern Europe, which doesn’t require introduction to most readers as it was and still is filling pages of the newspapers and screens of a TVs. Courtesy of ongoing geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Russian Federation there. Some say, this is a conflict between East and West and thus suggesting that it is not just a

Absolutely amazing discussion of the meaning of the word “truth” according to 4 cultures

Dear friends, Today I want to share with you an excerpt from an absolutely amazing text which, to my knowledge, has ever been published anywhere on the English-language Internet: the book  “The Pillar and Ground of the Truth: An Essay in Orthodox Theodicy in Twelve Letters” by Father Pavel Florensky (1882-1937), specifically, a part of the second chapter of the book entitled “Letter two: Doubt“. In this excerpt, Father Paul
