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Tag "El Murid"

El Murid: To the Militia, Eventual Victory is a Statement of Fact

Original: El Murid LiveJournal (Anatoliy Nesmeyanov)Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov My status in Donetsk was entirely uncertain. Igor Ivanovich permitted me to be present virtually everywhere (with the exception of the places that were absolutely off bounds, and which I had no knowledge of in any event). Just in case, I was given a Paper that said pretty much the same thing – identity unknown, but assistance is compulsory. All

The Extraordinary Importance of Strelkov and the Coming of the Banderite Caliphate—El Murid, August 9, 2014

Original: El Murid LiveJournal (Anatoliy Nesmeyanov)Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov / Edited by @GBabeuf Over the course of my stay in Donetsk I saw nothing that was markedly different from what is publicly known. Up close, however, many things certainly appeared completely different in detail. When the Slavyansk Brigade came to Donetsk, almost immediately the question of cooperation among the units gathered in the city was raised. Two paths were
