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Tag "Donald Trump"

Poles Decided to Spit on Trump and Please Biden (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leo. The authorities of the Russophobic Poland have yet again demonstrated the full value of the Eastern European lackey behaviour before the USA. Andrzej Duda who just recently spoke about the joint military program ‘Fort Trump’ has now demonstratively abandoned this name and rushed to play up to Joe Biden. The newest history of relations between Washington and Warsaw consists of train of acts

Very important letter from Donald Trump to Nancy Pelosi (MUST READ)

Saker commentary: this is not about picking sides, the enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend.  However, as Malcolm X once said, “I am for the truth no matter who tells it”.  There are lies in this text, beginning with entire section about how great the US is doing.  As for the segment about Israel, I just wonder what color Trump’s tongue is by now.  Whatever color, it is

Statement by the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States of America

President Trump and President Putin today, meeting on the margins of the APEC conference in Danang, Vietnam, confirmed their determination to defeat ISIS in Syria. They expressed their satisfaction with successful US-Russia enhanced de-confliction efforts between US and Russian military professionals that have dramatically accelerated ISIS’s losses on the battlefield in recent months. The Presidents agreed to maintain open military channels of communication between military professionals to help ensure the safety of both US and Russian forces and de-confliction of partnered forces engaged in the fight against ISIS. They confirmed these efforts will

Hail to the Chief! and Other News

by Scott Humor Russia will always side with the forces of peace, with those who opt for equal partnership, who reject wars as contrary to the very essence of life and the nature of man. Vladimir Putin at the military parade to mark the 72nd anniversary of victory in the 1941–1945 Great Patriotic War   Hail to the Chief! President Putin made an announcement during Wednesday’s press conference following a

How the Kiev regime’s war on Donbass broke geopolitics by Scott Humor

The liberal think tank Stratfor has stated what we already knew: “Kiev could have incited the violence to draw attention to the conflict and rally international support for continued sanctions on Moscow.“ And that’s where the Kiev regime finds no understanding among the European national businesses. On the supra-national level everything is business-as-usual: In January in Ukraine, senators McCain and Graham visited front line troops and spent the night with them

Political Breakups and Armed Tensions SITREP February 1st, 2017 by Scott Humor

  Providing correct and timely information and analysis is important to me as a journalist, but as a professor, I want to teach you a few simple logical skills, so you will be able to grasp the meaning of events through the thick fog of propaganda. I don’t ask you to believe me, because the skills of seeing through don’t require faith, but rather, understanding. Let’s talk about the temporary suspension of

The real significance of the ODNI report on “Russia’s election interfering”

I have to confess that my first reaction was to simply ignore this report as an irrelevant load of nonsense.  Then I listened to a Ukrainian blogger, Anatoli Sharii, making fun of this report for over 10 minutes.  Listening to him my first reaction was “can’t be – Sharii is in overkill mode”.  But then Sharii began quoting the report at length and I simply could not believe my eyes

Mr. Trump is a President-Elect, now what? by Auslander

We watched the election process from morning to late evening when it was very reluctantly called by the MSM for Mr. Trump. And the fetuccini hit the fan. I’ve never in my 70 years of life seen the likes of this election campaign, nor the reaction of a bunch of spoiled, entitled and clueless supporters of the losing side who have yet to accept the fact that Donald J. Trump

On the election of Mr. Trump, by Auslander

First, I wish to congratulate the president elect of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. I can only imagine what this gentleman has gone through in this election cycle and this does not address the vitriol poured on his wife and children during the media attack, and that is exactly what it was and is, a concerted and ongoing news media and blog attack on Mr. Trump and
