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Tag "Democrats"

I first ray of hope? One Dem candidate calls another a ‘whore’ for AIPAC during live debate

The Raw Story reports: Things got heated during a Democratic primary debate for the U.S. Senate in Connecticut on Thursday when one candidate told another that he was “whore” over his support of a pro-Israel lobbying group. “I’m appalled that when I talk about the neoconservatives somehow it’s twisted to be some sort of a racist comment,” long-shot candidate Lee Whitnum said in response to U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy. “This

A 9/11 Every Day For Ten and a Half Years

Very refreshing article from URL:——- Most of Us Will Eat Shit Until the Day We Die By Arthur Silber 12/02/08 “Once Upon A Time” – — -Let us begin with the proposition of greatest importance. From my essay, “The Missing Moral Center: Murdering the Innocent“: There is one final point to be made about all this — and that has to do with the supreme value of a

The heat against Iran is still on – and it’s coming from the Democrats

by Philip Giraldi In spite of repeated Pentagon denials that a military option is imminent, the United States is again putting pressure on Iran that could easily lead to an armed conflict, a conflict that is desired neither by the American nor Iranian people. Nearly everyone agrees that it would be better if Iran were not to develop a nuclear weapon, if, indeed, that is Tehran’s intention. Though modern Iran

An Open Letter to the Democratic Congress by Cindy Sheehan

Why I Am Leaving the Democratic Party By Cindy Sheehan Dublin, Ireland Dear Democratic Congress, Hello, my name is Cindy Sheehan and my son Casey Sheehan was killed on April 04, 2004 in Sadr City , Baghdad , Iraq . He was killed when the Republicans still were in control of Congress. Naively, I set off on my tireless campaign calling on Congress to rescind George’s authority to wage his

Dissenting voices and delayed wars

Something very interesting is happening in the USA: two candidates for the next Presidential election (Ron Paul, R, and Mike Gravel, D) are running on an anti-war platfrom and they are speaking up in each debate (so far – soon they will be given the boot). They stand no chance whatsoever under the current political system. Just take a look the Washington Post’s truly orwellian editorial complaining that “Too many

Some thoughts on current events

Can anyone really tell the two factions of the Republicrat Party apart?! I can’t. Its like the choice between (kosher) Pepsi and (kosher) Coke – no difference except the packaging, and all you have inside is corporate-designed crap harmful to your health. Libertarians, Greens, Nation of Islam, Militias are, as far as I can tell, pretty much the only ideological alternatives to the Imperial Republicrats and none of these have
