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Tag "covert operation"

Is the situation in Venezuela heating up again? (UPDATED)

* Venezuela claims that Colombian military forces made in incursion into Venezuela* Venezuela claims that a US aircraft violated its airspace* Reports claim that the CIA is more active than ever in Venezuela (And, of course, there is the latest “smoking laptop” propaganda scheme as a background context) Stay tuned! UPDATE: The US admits that one of its aircraft did violate Venezuela’s airspace but claims that this was a mistake.

Iran stops Russian consulate bombing

According to Press TV: Iran’s Intelligence Minister says the Shiraz mosque bombers had plans to target a Russian consulate in the northern part of the country. Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i (see picture) announced that 15 people had been arrested in connection with the deadly explosion in a mosque in the southern city of Shiraz, adding that all detainees are Iranian nationals. “Their next target was the Russian consulate general in Rasht. They

The USraelian empire lauches a massive covert operations campaign in preparation for a war on Iran

Press TV reports: US President George W. Bush has reportedly authorized a covert operation to set the stage for a military offensive against Iran. According to Counterpunch magazine, President Bush signed a secret finding in March authorizing a covert offensive against Iran, which those familiar with its contents believe to be ‘unprecedented in its scope’. Actions permitted under the secret directive include ‘the assassination of targeted officials’ along with operations

Was the U.S. Involved in Killing the FARC-EP Leaders?

By James J. Brittan (from Counterpunch via Informationclearinghouse) While virtually every country in Central and South America, including the Caribbean, has waged in on the debate of the Colombian state conducting an illegal military campaign within Ecuadorian sovereign territory, resulting in the deaths of various high ranking officials in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo, FARC-EP), the United States have remained virtually

$300 Million From Chavez to FARC: a fake

Here’s the written evidence… and – please say it ain’t so! – Obama and Hillary attack Ecuador Note: Saturday, Bobby Kennedy hosts Greg Palast on “Ring of Fire” on Air America Radio. Sunday, catch Palast with Amy Goodman on WABC Television (New York), hosted by Gil Noble, Channel 7 at 1 pm(est). Friday, March 7, 2008 for By Greg Palast Do you believe this? This past weekend, Colombia invaded

Bolivia’s Morales slams US for spying

PRESS TV reports: Bolivian President Evo Morales has denounced a US embassy security officer for trying to spy on Cubans and Venezuelans working in Bolivia. Morales’ criticism came Monday following reports that Vincent Cooper, the US embassy official, had asked an American scholar and 30 Peace Corps volunteers to pass along information about Cubans and Venezuelans working in the country. Speaking at a military ceremony in Cochabamba, Morales said Cooper

The Americans and Saudis are Behind Attacks in Lebanon

Reading the tea leaves: The tune being played by Westerners and their allies in the region under the guise of preserving international justice is enflaming internal dissention in the land of the Cedar [Lebanon]. Beirut: Since last Thursday, the day that the United States, France and Great Britain filed a motion at the U.N. to ensure the setting up of an international court to judge the assassins of former Lebanese

The secret war against Hizbollah

by Alberto Cruz 06/12/07 “ICH ” — — – A time-worn adage in journalism says that redundancy enables a better understanding of language, so here we go again : the tree of Iraq stops us seeing the Middle East wood. Absorbed in our navel-gazing, we behave like children covering our ears to stave off a reality we find distasteful. That happens in Iraq when we refuse to acknowledge that there

Is the countdown to the attack against Iran resuming?

According to the following sources, CENTCOM is stepping up its posture for a possible attack against Iran: Bush authorizes new covert action against Iran while nine US warships enter the Persian Gulf in show of force constituting largest naval force in the Middle-East since 2003. An attack againt a country like Iran would have to go through several preparatory phases which, among others, would include the preparations outlined by the
