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Tag "Corporatocracy"

Corporate Personhood Should Be Banned, Once and For All

by Ralph Nader Today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission shreds the fabric of our already weakened democracy by allowing corporations to more completely dominate our corrupted electoral process. It is outrageous that corporations already attempt to influence or bribe our political candidates through their political action committees (PACs), which solicit employees and shareholders for donations. With this decision, corporations can now also

Good news: the Imperial propaganda outlets (aka corporate media) are hurting

I just picked up this piece from American Goy’s excellent blog: More Americans turning to Web for newsNEW YORK (Reuters) – Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe traditional journalism is out of touch, and nearly half are turning to the Internet to get their news, according to a new survey. While most people think journalism is important to the quality of life, 64 percent are dissatisfied with the quality of

Reconciling Fascism with Reality

By Pervez Dastoor for “Information Clearing House“ Fascist! A word that is thrown around all too commonly in today’s political debates and partisan quibbling that is common among the cable “news networks.” A flip of the channel on any night to CNN, FOX, Headline News or other similar programs reveals time slots devoted to the latest celebrity scandal or any other unimportant story. When not emphatically debating the latest celebrity

Organized Money Vs. Organized People

By Cindy Sheehan “At a time like this, scorching iron, not convincing argument, is needed.”Frederick Douglass “Cindy’s campaign will prove that organized people can beat organized money” Reverend Lennox Yearwood; founder of the Hip Hop Caucus We are a nation that was created by “the rich, white, male property owners” and specifically for “the rich, white, male property owners.” Women and blacks, (who were counted as 3/5ths a person for
