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Tag "CF-CYA"

Ron Paul and M K Bhadrakumar both believe that this is Obama’s “Monica moment”

According to Ron Paul and M K Bhadrakumar all this nonsense about chemical weapons in Syria has nothing to do with Syria, but it is simply about the creation of a distraction away from Obama’s internal problems (Ron Paul here;  M K Bhadrakumar here).  Unsuprisingly, Russia has categorically rejected the chemical weapons claim, the arming of the rebels or the possible imposition of an illegal no-fly zone: It certainaly appears

“CF->CYA” – the magic formula of the Empire of Illusions

Well, it sure looks like the United States of Amnesia have rapidly recovered from the use of a so-called “weapon of mass destruction” (a pressure cooked) in Boston and has turned to more important topics like Angelina Jolie’s breasts.And yet, the official narrative is being challenged by so many facts that it is really worth at taking a short look at it.There was already the Hollywood-like one billion dollar per
