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Tag "ceasefire"

After a bad start, ceasefire appears to be holding

It appears that after a bad start, the ceasefire is now more or less generally respected. The intensity of the shooting has dramatically fallen and the front is generally quiet. We shall see how long this will last.   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have

More details about the latest Gaddafi ceasefire proposal

I just finished watching an interesting Russian TV report.  According to the Russians, NATO attempted to prevent Gaddafi from airing his speech making a ceasefire proposal by bombing the TV station which was airing it (that is nothing new, just remember how NATO bombed the TV station in Belgrade into a pile of rubble or how the Israelis attempted to silence al-Manar in Beirut).  In both cases, the destruction of

Keeping track of ceasefire/peace proposals in Libya

In a previous post of mine I began keeping track of the various ceasefire/peace proposals made in the Libyan conflict.  I will continue to and in the coming weeks.  Though I am just a small irrelevant blogger, I will do all I can not to allow Libya to turn into a another Bosnia (where all the ceasefire/peace plans were dumped into an Orwellian memory hole). So far I had: African

Hamas to Fight On if Israel Ceases Fire Unilaterally

Al-Manar reports: This unilateral ceasefire does not foresee a withdrawal” by the Israeli army,” Hamas’s representative in Lebanon Oussama Hamdan said Saturday. He stressed the resistance group will fight on if Israel orders a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza. “As long as it remains in Gaza, resistance and confrontation will continue,” he said. Speaking at a conference in Beirut, also attended by European representatives supporting the Palestinians, Hamdan added that Israel’s
