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Tag "boycott"

A double standard on academic freedom in the Middle East

By George Bisharat Two hundred thousand Palestinian children began school in the Gaza Strip this month without a full complement of textbooks. Why? Because Israel, which maintains a stranglehold over this small strip of land along the Mediterranean even after withdrawing its settlers from there in 2005, considers paper, ink and binding materials not to be “fundamental humanitarian needs.” Israel, attempting to throttle the democratically elected Hamas government, generally permits

UN summit urges anti-Israeli boycott

Press TV reports that a UN conference at the European Parliament has criticized Israel for its policies towards Palestinians, calling for a boycott against it. The ‘International Conference of Civil Society in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace’ in Brussels has been organized by the UN’s Committee to restore the Rights of the Palestinian People. During the conference, British Member of Parliament Clare Short blasted Israel for not being interested in a

A Boycott Of Israel: Something Has Changed

by John Pilger From a limestone hill rising above Qalandia refugee camp you can see Jerusalem. I watched a lone figure standing there in the rain, his son holding the tail of his long tattered coat. He extended his hand and did not let go. “I am Ahmed Hamzeh, street entertainer,” he said in measured English. “Over there, I played many musical instruments; I sang in Arabic, English and Hebrew,

UK Jews and Israelis behind anti-Israel boycott

Jewish Chronicle investigation reveals Jewish, Israeli academics justify their activity as part of struggle for Palestinian rights, ending Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories: Named: boycott ringleaders By By Bernard Josephs and Nicole Hazan The JC today identifies the key players in the escalating British campaign to boycott Israel. Our investigation shows that many are Jewish or Israeli, and that they justify their stance as part of the struggle for Palestinian
