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Tag "Bosnia redux in Libya"

U.S., Rebels Reject Gaddafi Proposal

DemocrayNow reports: The United States and Libyan rebels have rejected a new offer from the regime of Col. Muammar Gaddafi as the conflict in Libya enters its fifth month. Gaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, had said his father would hold elections within three months and would step down if he lost. But the Obama administration rejected the proposal, calling it “too late.” NATO warplanes have resumed bombing Tripoli as rebels attempt

Hillary picks up the “rape as a weapon of war” propaganda theme

There we go: Hillary Clinton condemns rape as “war of weapon” (BBC sic dixit). Well, the mean “weapon of war”, of course.  She should know – she was one of those who pushed her husband, Bill, to wage war against Serbia using exactly the same ‘hyper-pious’ pretext.  Of course, nobody in the White House is suggestion waging war on the Congo were over 1000 rapes were recorded each day (Maybe

Latest US propaganda: Viagra as a weapon of mass war rape

I can’t believe it.  The “Bosnia blueprint” is followed with such meticulous care they now the US propaganda machine has even produced this: Libya: Gaddafi investigated over use of rape as weapon: The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor says there is evidence that Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi ordered the rape of hundreds of women as a weapon against rebel forces.  [The ICC is now looking at] possible evidence that
