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Tag "book"

Scott Humor’s new book Hell and Israel: Après Lavrov le Déluge

The opinions of reviewers who read the book varies from ‘Wow, that’s an extremely energizing book!” to “Thank you very much for this. A brilliant satirical work. Hope it gets exposure.” It’s hard to find a great political satire book, it’s even harder to come across of a satirical work about a war.  The Good Soldier Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek, comes to mind, and Catch–22 by Joseph Heller, and not

Scott finally releases his “Anthology Of Russian Humor: From Maidan To Trump: Humor And Laughter In The Time Of Global War”

Dear friends, Scott has just finally release his “Anthology Of Russian Humor: From Maidan To Trump: Humor And Laughter In The Time Of Global War” and you all really want to get a copy of it. Amazon paperback: Amazon Kindle ebook: Here is my mini-review cum intro to this great book: Those who think that Russian nuclear weapons are the most powerful weapon in the Russian arsenal are

Reviews of Scott Humor’s book The Enemy of the State

Ladies and Gents, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who have bought my book, The Enemy of the State. Thank you for your support. I want to remind to our readers, we get about 1.5 millions unique visitors per month, and that we are not getting paid by anyone.  We are not sitting in some deep corporate pocket. You and only you, our readers,  support
