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Tag "Bolton"

John Bolton: might Bush bomb Iran? “Yes, definitely!”

Think Progress Thursday, May 8, 2008 In a Fox News interview this afternoon, former UN Ambassador John Bolton discussed his desire to bomb camps inside Iran that are reportedly training and arming Shiite insurgents who fight in Iraq. Fox host Martha McCallum asked, “Can you imagine a scenario where President Bush would do that before the end of his term?” Bolton responded, “I think so, definitely.” He added later, “This

Bolton: US would support preemptive Israeli strike on Iran

by John Byrne President Bush’s former United Nations ambassador John Bolton said the United States would stand behind a pre-emptive strike by Israel against countries developing “WMD facilities.” In his remark, printed in Tuesday’s edition of the Israeli daily Yediot Achronot, Bolton directly referenced Iran. “The greatest concern is to prevent Iran and other countries in the region from acquiring nuclear weapons,” Bolton said, according to, a Jewish news

Bolton: U.S. backs Israeli pre-emption

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that John Bolton said America would back Israeli strikes against neighboring nuclear aspirants. The United States would stand behind any pre-emptive attack by Israel on neighboring countries believed to have nuclear weapons programs, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said in an interview published Tuesday in the Israeli daily Yediot Achronot. Bolton’s remarks following Israel’s alleged air raid Sept. 6 in Syria

The Imperial noose tightens around Gaza

Intense consultations have been taken place between top Imperial representatives and Fatah thugs (the USA are, as pretty much everybody already knows, deeply involved in the anti-Hamas operations). Today, Imperial forces have made several deep incursions into the Gaza strip. According to at least one Palestinian news agency, this is actually an invasion of Gaza. I personally doubt this very much, but this could well be the first preparatory phase

Jerusalem Post reveals the Neocon roots of HR 21

In an interesting background analysis, the Jerusalem Post has revealed that influential Canadian and US Neocons supporters acting on behalf of the Israeli PR spin-doctors are behind the infamous House Resolution 21 almost unanimuosly adopted by Congress (with only Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich voting against it). ——- Analysis: Congress vs Ahmadinejad DORE GOLD, THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 21, 2007 The 411-2 vote by the US House of Representatives to
