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Tag "Bolivarian Socialism"

A New Day Has Dawned (reply to “Catire”)

by Andrew Kahn In responding to the article written by “Catire”, a simple note is needed before proceeding. The value in individual accounts, about individual lives, in relation to a discussion on nationwide policies within a revolutionary government – or any government for that matter – are objectively relevant when they speak within a broader context to the lives of a majority or even a significant minority of the population.

Testimony: how socialism in Venezuela has affected me

Foreword by The Saker: from time to time I post something which gets people really mad at me.  Today, I am doing “one of those” – a post which will anger all those who support the values of Bolivarian Socialism, of Chavismo and of the anti-colonial, anti-US liberation struggle of the people of Latin America.  Before you get personally mad at me and before you conclude that I am a
