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Tag "Blog housekeeping issues"

Blog news, Podcast and how you can *really* help me!

Dear friends, Couple of blog news items today: New Weekly Column from Russia: First, I am absolutely delighted to announce that Andrew Korybko (whose articles you have seen recently on the blog) has accepted to write a weekly column for the blog.  Here is a short bio of Andrew: Andrew Korybko was born, raised, and educated in the US, but permanently relocated to Russia in the summer of 2013. He

The Saker now *officially* on Facebook and Twitter (and possibly ВКонтаке next?)

Good news!! The Saker blog will now have an existence on the social media, specifically on Facebook and on Twitter.  In the near future, we also have plans for a presence on VKontakte (the Russian Facebook).  I personally do not have the time or inclination to deal with the social media, but others have done so on my behalf in the past, and there are a few “Saker” pages in

Important Saker Blog Community News and Various Requests for Assistance!

Dear friends, Christ is Risen! The last couple of weeks have brought us a mixed bag of news: some good, some bad and some outright ugly.  Let’s begin with the good stuff: Dagmar Henn safely back from Novorussia Our Saker Community representative – Dagmar Henn – has safely returned form her trip to Novorussia and she has already begun writing her travel reports (for the first one please click here). 

Saker message to the community about the blog and appeal for help

Dear friends, I have plenty of things to report to you today, and a few things I would ask you to help me with. Blog news: For the next few days, the blog will go into “minimal” mode and barring some kind of major development, I don’t intend to post much.  For Orthodox Christians this week is Passion Week, Sunday will be Holy Paskha (“Easter” in western parlance) and next

Future of the Saker Blog survey – results!

Dear friends, The survey is now closed and I am happy to report that 1’067 of you have replied to the questions.  What I want to do today is to post all the results question by question along with my evaluation of the results.  But first I want to thank you for participating in this survey which is extremely important and interesting for me.  Some of the results have surprised

Webmaster, Research Assistants, Survey, Donations

Dear friends, Lots of things to report today. First, we have a new webmaster!  His name is “HSC” and you can write to him directly at: if you have any comments or suggestions. Second, I have selected three outstanding candidates to become by research assistants.  Though we still have to organize it all, and I definitely want their inputs on that, I think that they will work together really

Saker poll: please tell me what *you* think!

Dear friends, I have decided to ask for your opinion about this blog and about its future.  I cannot promise that I will always follow the majority opinion, but I will try to do my best to address the issues raised.  Please take the time to fill this survey and let me know what you think. Many thanks and kind regards, The Saker Click here to take the survey:

Blog news: Webmaster resignation

Dear friends, It is with great regret that I have to announce to you that my webmaster Gevorg has decided to resign from his position.  He has asked me to inform you that no more donations should be collected for him and that enough has been sent. I am personally very saddened by his departure and I want to express to him my deepest gratitude for the fantastic job he

A small potpourri of blog related news

Dear friends, I just wanted to share a couple of things with you today. First, I wanted to mention that the folks are Vox Populi Evo have begun to share more videos subtitled in English with us, such as the two recent ones about Mozgovoi and Givi.  Even better, then have agreed to subtitle in English a full-length interview of the famous Ukrainian author Oles Buzina about the history of

Fundraisers update

Dear friends, I just wanted to update you on the two fundraisers I mentioned yesterday.  First, here is a video about Russia Insider: Then I wanted to remind you all to indicate FOR GEVORG when you donate to my webmaster (if you forgot to do so yesterday, please email me). On behalf of Russia Insider and Gevorg, thanks a lot!! Cheers, The Saker

As any other form of warfare, information warfare also needs funding. Please help.

  Dear friends, In the recent weeks the donations have fallen to almost *zero* even though the combined readership between the two blogs is comfortably over 50’000 a day.  Please help me to continue putting as many hours of work each day into the old and new blog and bring you the same quantity and quality of information and analyses.  As any other form of warfare, information warfare also needs

Important clarifications about the new blog

Dear friends,   New blog presentation format:  A lot of you have emailed me to tell me that they don’t like the “thematic” presentation used for the new blog and that you prefer a regular “chronological” one.  That is very simple to address: If you prefer the “thematic” one use this link: If you prefer the “chronological” one use this link:  I think that with time you will

New blog: request for comments

Dear friends, I just want to invite you to share your comments about the new blog not here, but at the announcement post on the NEW blog.  That way our IT specialist can track what is requested instead of going through all comments everywhere. Many thanks, The Saker

Message form the Saker + Open Thread

Dear friends,   a) The Saker needs to spend time with his veterinarian My health issues have caught up with me yesterday and I still feel terrible. I hope to feel better on Monday but in the meantime I have a favor to ask. Please: Don’t email me (unless this is a major emergency) Don’t post questions here Don’t expect more than reposts from other sources I will reply to

Important blog news: we are getting stronger, much stronger

Dear friends, I have some important issues to bring to your attention:   1) Domain names: We are trying to fix the domain name problems and also making some major changes in our IT architecture. As of right now, please note that the following Saker Blogs are still functioning normally: French Saker: German Saker: Oceania Saker: Latin American Saker: the following Saker Blogs are down due

Of Podcasts, Donations and Books

Dear friends,I would like to announce that I will be recording the next Saker Podcast #3 the coming week-end and, hopefully, make it available here by Monday morning on the (temporary) Saker Podcasts home page: note that thanks to the kind help of a wonderful lady “A” the Saker Podcast #1 transcript is now available for download from Mediafire (one zipped file containing the transcript in ODT, PDF and RTF

On conspiracy theories and credibility

Dear friends,I am noticing with some dismay that some (many?) of you are still firmly the mental clutches of the “conspiracy theories” logical fallacy.  The reactions to Koenig’s articles about Ebola and HIV are typical of that kind of logical derailment.  So it is hight time that I state a few basic assumptions of this blog.1) A “conspiracy theory” is, a priori, a good thing.  Why?  Because the world is
