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Tag "blackmail"

Iraqi VP: US blackmailing Iraq over SOFA

Press TV reports: The US military has threatened to halt vital services in Iraq if Baghdad refuses to sign a controversial US security pact with Washington. In addition to halting all military actions, US forces would cease activities that support Iraq’s economy, educational sector and other areas- ‘everything’ – Tariq al-Hashemi, Iraq’sVice President told the US newspaper McClatchy. According to al-Hashemi, many Iraqi politicians view the move as ‘political blackmail’.

Imperial Congress blackmails Iraq to recognize Israel

The Jewish Daily Forward reports that Congress has passed a resolution demanding that Iraq recognize Israel or loose billions of dollars in US aid: To the many challenges facing the fledgling Iraqi government, Congress may soon add this: Recognize the State of Israel and establish diplomatic ties with Jerusalem, or else risk losing some of the billions in aid that Baghdad receives from the United States. A nonbinding resolution demanding
