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Tag "Bezler"

Is Bezler really naive?

“A united federated Nazi-free Ukraine?”  Please, that train has left the station. Total fantasy at this point“ Andreas Walsh This issue is one which divides many sincere and good people and which I rarely see addressed directly.  And yet, it is a crucial one.  Today, I want to address is head on.The realistic argument (version one)As Otto von Bismarck said, “politics is the science of the possible”.  It is all

Very interesting statement by Bezler

Bezler sure is a strange guy and I have to honestly say that the more I see him, the more I like him.  Yesterday he sure made one interesting statement.  Not only does he hint that he is speaking from the Poltava oblast, deep inside Ukie territory.  Better, he also says that Poroshenko used to sell weapons to the anti-Nazi insurgents.  Finally, and very much in line with his previous
