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Tag "Balkans"

Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) – Part II

by Andrew Korybko PART II: Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) (Please read Part I before this article) Having laid out Nuland’s vision for the Balkans, it’s now time to reverse her processes and show how some of them can be wittily co-opted to liberate the region from unipolar control. The article will address each of the three themes that Nuland spoke upon and highlight

Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) – Part I

by Andrew Korybko PART I: Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) US regime change expert and architect of regional destabilization, Victoria Nuland, recently paid a visit to the Balkans to preach the oft-repeated gospel of Euro-Atlantic integration. Her trip comes at a time when the region is experiencing a spike in geostrategic significance , having emerged at the forefront of the New Cold War between

It has started or Wise up Macedonians!

by N. Babich translated by SP (thanks brother!) Source: Demonstrations in Skoplje are linked to uncovered evidence that connects Victoria Nuland and her team with the leaders of the protest. On Monday a group of 50 armed men blocked the Islamic Community building in Skoplje. The attack was a consequence of the conflict between the former Skopje mufti Ibrahim Shabani and Reis of the Islamic Community Suleiman Regep. The conflict

Iran and the Balkans: Russia Risks Making the Same Mistakes

by Pyotr Iskenderov for the Strategic Culture Foundation The recent UN Security Council resolution slapping new sanctions on Iran is likely to become the worst defeat suffered by the Russian diplomacy over the past years. Its negative impact may be persistent and more serious than that of the proclamation of Kosovo’s independence to which Russia continues objecting. What we are witnessing seems to be an unexpected recurrence of the syndrome

Macedonian government collapses

(thanks to AA for this contribution) reports: 12 March 2008 Skopje The Democratic Party of Albanians, DPA, the key Albanian partner in the ruling centre-right coalition lead by VMRO-DPMNE, is leaving government, the party leader told media Wednesday. Menduh Taci explained that the party leadership will confirm its decision by the end of the day. The move comes after Prime Minister and VMRO-DPMNE head Nikola Gruevski previously rejected a

The War Empire Forgot

by Nebojsa Malic The September morning six years ago that saw three hijacked jetliners slam into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon has often been called “the day everything changed.” What really changed was Americans’ skepticism of their own government – a fact that has been abused ever since. The man from Crawford who campaigned on the promise of a “more humble foreign policy” and against Clintonian “nation-building” quickly
