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Tag "anti-semitism"

Elias Davidsson: I Am A Radical Antisemite And Am Proud Of It

The meaning of the term “antisemite” has significantly changed in recent years. There was a time when this term referred to those who despised Jews. Later, the term referred to those who promoted myths about a global Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. Today the term “antisemite” is used by the ruling elite to lambast human rights activists who advocate equal rights between Jews, Christians and Muslims, the right of

How a medieval concept of ethnicity makes NATO commit yet another a dangerous blunder

Acting as one – which of course they are – President Bush and the US House of Representatives announced yesterday that they both favor the entry of the Ukraine and Georgia into NATO. That Dubya would take such an idiotic position is of no surprise of course, but that the House would pass such a resolution unanimously is quite shocking: not a single Representative had the brains to understand what

Tomgram: Tony Karon on Growing Dissent among American Jews

by Tom Engelhardt I often think of the letters that come into the Tomdispatch email box as the university of my later life — messages from around the world, offering commentary, criticism, encouragement, but mainly teaching me about lives (and versions of life) I would otherwise know little or nothing about. Then again, the Internet has a way of releasing inhibitions and, from time to time, the Tomdispatch email box

The myth of the so-called ‘Jewish’ Lobby laid to rest by Shmuel Rosner Chief U.S. Correspondent for Ha’aretz

(I originally posted this elsewhere on the Internet but since the I just posted an article about an investigation by the Jewish Chronicles revealing that the anti-Israeli boycott in the UK was organized by Jews, I thought I would repost this information on my blog) A ‘Jewish Lobby’ in the USA? Most definitely not one representing American Jews. Read this fascinating article from Ha’aretz: ——– Why do American Jews oppose

Only in Amerika…

ADL Urges Orthodox Christian Churches To Excise Anti-Semitism From Liturgy New York, NY, June 6, 2007 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is urging the world’s Orthodox Christian leaders to support a Christian proposal to excise ancient anti-Semitic passages from their liturgy. ADL cited a declaration by an independent group of Orthodox Christian priests and intellectuals who are calling for their churches to reject centuries-old negative theological positions toward Jews and
