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Tag "anonymous"

Anonymous declares war on Israel

Comment:  I don’t think that Anonymous has the means to seriously hurt Israel, but the real effect of this operation is a PR disaster for Israel: Israel is denounced as a villain (which, of course, it is) while the world public opinion is shown as disgusted by Israel (which, of course, it is). And that, in itself, is fantastic.  Anonymous simply ignores the fact that most of the planet is

Uncle Sam shuts down Megaupload – ‘Anonymous’ retaliates

Slashdot reports: “Federal prosecutors in Virginia have shut down notorious file-sharing site and charged the service’s founder with violating piracy laws. The Associated Press broke the story on Thursday, reporting that the indictment accuses’s owner with costing copyright holders including record labels and movie studios more than $500 million in lost revenue.”*  “Shortly after a federal raid today brought down the file sharing service Megaupload, hackers aligned with
