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Tag "announcement"

Important announcement by the Saker!

Dear friends, Recent events have forced me to take some important decisions which I have to share with you now. First, from now on, the Saker blog shall not post any texts or videos from the four organizations which the US Treasury has declared “disinformation outlets controlled by Russian intelligence services”.  These are: SouthFront NewsFront The Strategic Culture Foundation InfoRos I want to stress that in my opinion these organizations

Scott Humor’s new book Hell and Israel: Après Lavrov le Déluge

The opinions of reviewers who read the book varies from ‘Wow, that’s an extremely energizing book!” to “Thank you very much for this. A brilliant satirical work. Hope it gets exposure.” It’s hard to find a great political satire book, it’s even harder to come across of a satirical work about a war.  The Good Soldier Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek, comes to mind, and Catch–22 by Joseph Heller, and not

Saker community prospects for 2017 and, yes, appeal for support

Dear friends, All in all 2016 has been an excellent year for our community and we are entering 2017 with a great deal of hope, not only because 2017 could truly be a historical year, but also because in spite of some difficult moments (such as the hijacking and subsequent de-recognition of the German Saker blog) our community is doing exceptionally well: we are involved in all the levels of

The Saker blog is taking time off from December 23rd through January 9th

Dear friends, We are going to go on a break.  Most of us are exhausted, this has been an amazing, but exhausting year.  I personally am going on fumes.  Furthermore, we are about to enter the period of western Christmas, the civil New Year and the Orthodox Nativity.  Finally, the next year is likely to be extremely interesting, in the sense of the Chinese (?) curse “may you live in

Announcement by the Saker Community about the German Saker blog

It is with great sadness that we, the Saker Community, have decided to sever our ties with the German Saker blog. For many years the German Saker blog has been one of the most successful and dedicated blogs of our community and we want to sincerely thank Dagmar Henn for the superb job she did as the person in charge of this blog. Recently, however, the German Saker blog has

Hmmmm.. what about I offer you a good deal: a real podcast behind a *pretend* paywall?

Dear friends, How shall I put it…  hmmm… maybe its the hurricane and my forced ‘vacation’, or maybe all the repeated outages of our server (we still have not found the root cause of them, out IT officers are still trying to find it), or it’s all the crazy events taking place in our world gone insane, or maybe you are setting aside for the now very possible WWIII –

ANNOUNCEMENT: Russian News Site to Pay Expenses of Foreign Journalists, Bloggers, to Visit Donbass

by Charles Bausman I’m writing to let people know of an interesting opportunity. A private Russian citizens’ initiative whose goal is to provide information about the Ukraine war not covered in the western media, is organizing a press tour to the Donbass and Moscow in the second half of March. The invitation is open to all journalists and bloggers, mainstream and alternative. They are offering to cover all expenses in
