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Tag "al-Qaeda"

The Neocon regime in Washington starts yet another war

First there was Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Somalia (yes, this is a US started war), and now there is Lebanon/Palestine. Please follow me here step by step: For a description of the US “redirection”, i.e. using Al-Qaeda to fight Hezbollah and the Shia in Iraq, please read this. Then for a description of what the effects on the groud are, read this. For a confirmation that the US is, indeed,

Fmr. Chief of CIA Osama Unit’s Statement on Ron Paul and Why They Attack Us

Sir, In the dozen-plus years I have been active in matters relating to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, I have watched them go from a small Islamist organization to a worldwide insurgent movement, while bin Laden has established himself as the primary source of inspiration and leadership for tens of millions of Muslim Islamists. This process has been made possible by two things: (a) the skill, courage, patience, and ruthlessness
