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Tag "Al-Manar"

President Bashar Al-Assad’s al-Manar August 25, 2015 Interview

source: DAMASCUS, (ST)_ The terrorists are the most important real tool in the ongoing aggression against Syria, outlined H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad . In an exclusive interview with the Lebanese al-Manar Satellite TV, aired Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. (GMT), President Al-Assad pointed out that encountering Israel deems it necessary for us to encounter its tools in the interior, asserting that Israel from time to time carries out acts

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the latest political developments, September 23, 2013.

UPDATED WITH VIDEO(press on [cc] sign on the bottom right for English subtitles) I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and

Is anybody at Press TV or al-Manar paying attention?

Interesting story this morning on the BBC: it appears that some unidentified “nation state” has put huge efforts into creating a sophisticated worm with “incredible amount of code” “probably targeting “high value” infrastructure in Iran”.  Read the full BBC story here; its confirmed by NZZ here and here in English.  The key sentence in the BBC report is this:” it infects Windows machines via USB keys“. That’s right, this super-dooper-worm

New Yorker jailed for rebroadcasting Al-Manar TV

The Jerusalem Post reports: The Pakistan-born owner of a satellite TV company has pleaded guilty to providing material aid to a terrorist organization by letting customers receive broadcasts from Hizbullah’s television station. Javed Iqbal entered the plea in federal court in Manhattan on Tuesday. He declined comment afterward. As part of the plea, Iqbal agreed to serve a prison term of up to six and a half years. Sentencing was

‘Bush Intends to Attack Iran before End of His Term’

“The disease must be treated – not its symptoms” Hanan Awarekeh for al-Manar US President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran in the upcoming months, before the end of his term, Israeli Army Radio quoted officials in Jerusalem as saying Tuesday. The official claimed that a senior member of the president’s entourage said during a closed meeting that Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were of the opinion that

AFP: Opposition Takes Control of all Western Beirut

AFP via al-Manar: The Lebanese National Opposition announced western Beirut under its control, according to AFP. Calm has prevailed in most areas in the Lebanese capital Beirut, after the latest incidents saw the mercenaries of the Mustakbal militia flee from most neighborhoods. Residents as well as National Opposition loyalists forced Mustakabal gunmen to lay down their arms and surrender. From the Watwat area to Zaydaniyeh, Tamer Mallat neighborhood, Tallet al-Khayyat,

Hamas Warns of Israeli Conspiracy over Rafah Crossing

Al-Manar TV reports: The Islamic Resistance Movement of Hamas has dismissed as an Israeli-led conspiracy PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s proposal to deploy his own, Western-trained forces at the Rafah crossing along with the EU monitors. Palestinian Authority said Monday that it had reached a deal with Egypt to take control of the Gaza border. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu-Zuhri dismissed the proposal, calling it an “Israeli-led international conspiracy with the participation

al-Sadr: US behind all of Iraq’s woes

Al-Manar TV reports that the head of Iraq’s Sadr bloc, Sayyed Moqtada al-Sadr, has said the US is responsible for all of Iraq’s woes, calling on Arab nations to help end Iraq’s suffering. In comments during an interview on Iraqi state television, Sadr said the US is behind the sectarian violence in Iraq, the schism between Iraqi ethnic groups and the country’s economic hardships. He called for a “cultural resistance”
