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Tag "2+2 negotiations"

The official outcome of US-Russian 2+2? Notin’ much (so far)

Very little of substance was achieved, at least officially, at the latest 2+2 in Washington DC.  Obama accused Russia of having a Cold War mentality and nobody burst out laughing.  Rumor has it that the Americans promised the Russians that the FSA will attend the Geneva II talks even though their official stance is still that they will not talk to those with blood on their hands (I assume that

Could the latest 2+2 meeting finally yield some tangible results? Maybe.

I just watched the short press conference given today in Washington DC by U.S. Secretary of State Kerry, Secretary of Defense Hagel, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Russian Defense Minister Shoigu and I wondered what could come of that meeting.  The good news is that all of these men are experienced and smart politicians (compared to Hillary Kerry is simply a genius).  Furthermore, I doubt that these four would have
