Al-Manar reports:

Residents of the Nuweiri area in Beirut protested at Future Movement gunmen for opening fire and terrorizing civilians, so they decided to storm into their office.

Hezbollah members informed Lebanese Army intelligence service about the matter and a military unit was dispatched to the location and evacuated 21 Future Movement members from the office.

The army confiscated automatic weapons and ammunition. They also found applications for new Future Movement members as well as alcoholic drinks.

Future Movement gunmen had spread on rooftops of buildings in Ras el-Nabeh region and opened fire at civilians and in some cases army soldiers.
Commentary: this is an old and well rehearsed Imperial technique: shoot civilians or shoot soldiers and then try to blame it all on the opposition. Think of it as a false flag operation in the context of a civil war (an interesting piece on Israeli false flag operations can be found here, including a photo of a “Arab terrorist” wearing a Star of David). It clearly appears that the anti-Hezbollah operation launched by the Siniora government is now in full swing