Press Release: Palestinian Information Center

GAZA, (PIC)– The Hamas Movement on Tuesday renewed invitation to Fatah faction to initiate joint dialogue to solve pending problems before it is too late.

MP Khalil Al-Hayya, one of the Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip, told a press conference in Ramattan news agency that what happened in the Strip was not pre-planned but rather was in response to crimes committed by the mutiny trend within the Fatah faction, including murder and burning homes and mosques.

He said that Hamas was ready for talks and was ready to provide protection for all national institutions, warning at the same time that those who wish to trek other roads than that of dialogue then they should shoulder the responsibility of such a choice.

Hayya asked PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to respect the PA basic law, explaining that the president is not entitled to dissolve the PLC or cancel any article of the basic law.

The caretaker government headed by premier Ismail Haneyya would continue performing its duty in its capacity as the legitimate government, the lawmaker underlined, affirming that the emergency government formed by Abbas was illegal because it was formed without referring to the PLC.

Hayya reiterated readiness to cooperate with the Arab fact-finding committee, affirming that contacts never ceased with the Arab League or Egypt.