The People’s Daily Online reports that China said on Tuesday negotiation is the best way to resolve the Iran’s nuclear issue and it conformed to the common interest of the international community.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu made the remarks when commenting on the recent report of the IRNA news agency on French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner’s warning that the world should brace for a possible war over the Iranian crisis.

“We don’t agree with threat by force randomly in the international affairs,” Jiang said.

She added China has always held that nations should respect each other, and dialogue and consultation are needed to promote trust and reduce difference.

AP also reports that China appears to reject the US policy against Iran:

Iran’s interior minister said China renewed its support Friday for negotiations over his country’s disputed nuclear activities, and he warned that new U.N. sanctions could force Tehran to adopt “other means.”

Mostafa Pour Mohammadi said he had reached a consensus on the issue in meetings in Beijing with Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and senior foreign policy adviser Tang Jiaxuan.

“The two sides agreed that other methods such as sanctions are inappropriate and ineffective,” Pour Mohammadi told reporters at the Iranian Embassy.

Asked whether China had urged more active cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, Pour Mohammadi replied, “It’s natural that our friends in other countries hope that talks conclude successfully.”

China’s official Xinhua News Agency quoted Yang as saying China supported a negotiated settlement and opposed the spread of nuclear weapons.

“China would like to continue its efforts to push forward the peaceful resolution of Iran’s nuclear issue,” Xinhua quoted Yang as saying.

China, one of five permanent veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council, has urged Iran to cooperate with U.N. inspectors but has thwarted attempts by fellow permanent Security Council members – the U.S., Britain and France – to impose harsh U.N. sanctions on Iran.

Undeterred, the United States has said it will still push for new penalties unless Tehran scraps technology that could produce nuclear bombs.

Pour Mohammadi declined to elaborate on statements by other Iranian officials that new sanctions could lead Tehran to end cooperation with the IAEA.

However, he said Iran would choose a different approach if dialogue fails.

“If dialogue doesn’t work, then we will employ other means,” Pour Mohammadi said.

“Unfriendly relations with the IAEA is not something we wish to see happen,” he said.