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Intercepted phone call between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton: Snipers were hired by insurgents!

Good job SVR!  They apparently intercepted a telephone conversations between Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union, which clearly shows that the Europeans knew that the snipers on the Maidan square were not sent by Yanukovich but by the insurgents.Now let’s see what the Western media does with this info. Nice sound quality too :-)

Nationalists captured by pro-Russian crowd in Kharkov

This just sent to me by “T” (thanks!):The nationalists who had seized the local administration building have been evicted by a pro-Russian crowd after a nasty fight, they are now surrounded by cops who protect them form the angry crowd which is screaming “this is Kharkov, not Kiev!” and “Fascists!”:

Meet the “Ukrainian Interahamwe”

This is how our friend Olexander Muzychko (aka criminal leader Sasha Biliy) spoke to a state prosecutor today: (no translation needed, obviously): And this is an example of “Sunday sermon” by a “Greek Catholic” “priest” sent to me by a friend (thanks “FMD”): This sermon was supposedly delivered Rev. Mikhaylo Arsenych delivered in 2010. This is the translation provided with the video: Today we are really ready for a revolution.Would

Meet the (real) new authorities in the Ukraine, example #1 (UPDATED!)

Forget Klitchko, Iatseniuk, Tiagnibok or Tymoshenko. Though they all have some degree of popular support, what they don’t have is power. The real authorities in the Ukraine is the so-called “Right Sector”, their leader, Dmytro Yarosh, and his brownshirts. This video shows the reaction of one of these gentlemen, a certain Alexander Muzychka aka “Sashko Bilyi”, a veteran of the war against Russia in Chechnia, addressing a meeting the administration

First evidence of assault-rifle and sniper rifles use by government forces

This is probably yet another case of way too little and way too late, but I suppose that this is better than nothing. It is, however, still pathetic that it took 13 dead policemen killed by opposition snipers to finally convince the regime to deploy counter-sniper teams. Let’s hope that Yanukovich will not condemn these guys tomorrow morning and blame the violence on them (like he did with the Berkut

Another phone intercept from the Ukraine – this time German diplomats

This is a conversation between two senior German diplomats: Helga Schmid, Deputy Secretary General for Catherine Ashton’s European External Action Service and Jan Tombinski, the EU ambassador to Ukraine.It goes like that: (my own quickie rough translation from German) Hello?This is Helga.  I wanted to tell you in confidence that the Americans are going around saying that we are too weak and that their stance is stronger on sanctions. I

Possible phone intercept of a conversation between two top US officials about the Ukraine (UPDATED 2x!)

An anonymous commentator has just drawn my attention to this recording, and even though I am, of course, not sure that it is real, it is simply too good not to pass on.  So with the usual caveat emptor, here is this gem: Now, is it really real?  A sound recording of this type is really easy to fake, I could do that on my home computer using a sound

Dieudonne’s music video and an appeal to French speakers (updated)

Dieudonne and his wife have made a small music video together which Dieudo put at the end of his latest web appearance.  I want to share this video with you: Since Gallier2 has kindly translated the lyrics in a recent comment (merci l’ami!), I will also share that here: A new wind blows over the planet, wind of renewal, it’s the wind of hope.the one that makes the branches of

A very interesting counter-example: Energy Minister Eduard Savitskii

Something really interesting happened on Sunday in Kiev.  As several times before, a group of about one hundred rioters stormed the building of the Energy Ministry which is located close to the Maidan square and city center.  The heavily armed rioters rapidly overcome the building’s security service (which had orders not to shoot) and penetrated into the building which they immediately began to tear about.  Then something really interesting happened:

CrossTalk: Kiev Burning

Alexander Mercouris and Mark Sleboda make minced meat out of Anders Aslund.  And just for the record, keep in mind that “from November 1991 to January 1994, Åslund worked as a senior advisor to the Russian reform government under President Boris Yeltsin and Acting Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar. He worked also with Deputy Prime Ministers Anatoly Chubais” (Wikipedia).  So that “democrat” was hard at work for democracy while Russia was

Two Ukraine-related items

First, this is an pic of a list of cities in the Ukraine were nationalists have stormed local government buildings (some attacks were successful, other were not).  Sure looks to me like one more step towards a civil war:   2nd, for context, here is an interesting report on how such revolutions are prepared: (thanks to J. for sending this to me!!)
