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Obama is the same spineless genuflecting prostitute as the rest of them. Judge for yourself and click here to read his AIPAC speech. Ralph Nader is, along with abstention, the only possible choice for anyone with a conscience.

And The Winner Is … The Israel lobby

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times WASHINGTON – They’re all here – and they’re all ready to party. The three United States presidential candidates – John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Madam House speaker Nancy Pelosi. Most US senators and virtually half of the US Congress. Vice President Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynne. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Embattled Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. And a host of Jewish

The man from Satan declares that Party of God “greatest US security threat”

There is a certain irony in the following: Michael Chertoff, who is a Russian Jew whose name in Russian means – literally – “of the devil” or “from the devil” (Чертов or Chiortov) has declared that Hezbollah, which means the Party of God in Arabic (حزب الله‎ or Hizb Allah), is “greatest US security threat” and that it makes “al-Qaeda look like a minor league team”. How fitting, isn’t it?

Iraqi Shia protest against US SOFA; Israel plans to strike Iran

The Shias are now taking to the streets in protests against the US SOFA. In the meanwhile, former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer says Israel is planning to attack Iran in the near future over its nuclear program. Is anybody paying attention to all this?!?! Looking at the blogosphere I get the feeling that nobody is paying any attention at all…

Fidel Castro: My Questions For Obama

Many thanks to Toufic for this very interesting contribution – VS The brightest and best of the presidential hopefuls seeks to extend a cruel, immoral Cuba blockade By Fidel Castro It would be dishonest of me to remain silent after hearing Barack Obama’s speech delivered at the Cuban American National Foundation last Friday. I feel no resentment towards him, for he is not responsible for the crimes perpetrated against Cuba

You wonder why the US intelligence community and associated think thanks are wortheless?

Many thanks to Cem for drawing my attention to the Counter Terrorism blog’s recent posts You want to know that the War Party is thinking nowadays? A good place to figure this out is to look at one of their websites: the Counter-Terrorism blog. There you will see the following entries: * Turkish Ambassador to U.S. Calls Iran “a threat to Turkey as well as to the U.S.” * Is

Is the situation in Venezuela heating up again? (UPDATED)

* Venezuela claims that Colombian military forces made in incursion into Venezuela* Venezuela claims that a US aircraft violated its airspace* Reports claim that the CIA is more active than ever in Venezuela (And, of course, there is the latest “smoking laptop” propaganda scheme as a background context) Stay tuned! UPDATE: The US admits that one of its aircraft did violate Venezuela’s airspace but claims that this was a mistake.

War in the Middle-East imminent (REGULARLY UPDATED!)

Following the recent shameful debacle of the Three Stooges it now looks like the (expected) blame shifting and finger pointing game is in full swing amongst the various components of the USraelian Empire and its Lebanese puppets. The latest story coming out of the region is that Israel was poised to strike at Hezbollah on May 11 but reneged at the last second. This story was first broken by Franklin

Good commentary by Ken Olbermann

Note: while we can commend Olbermann for ripping Dubya into shreds for all his idiocies, I do not think that we should expect him to equally denounce Dubya for saying, for example, that there are 307 million Isarelis (nevermind that he never got a mandate from the 300 million Americans to say so and nevermind that Israel and the USA are not even bound to each other by any kind

Sycophantic Dubya kowtows to his bosses (includes commentary)

President Bush Addresses Members of the KnessetThe KnessetJerusalem 2:55 P.M. (Local) THE PRESIDENT: President Peres and Mr. Prime Minister, Madam Speaker, thank very much for hosting this special session. President Beinish, Leader of the Opposition Netanyahu, Ministers, members of the Knesset, distinguished guests: Shalom. Laura and I are thrilled to be back in Israel. We have been deeply moved by the celebrations of the past two days. And this afternoon,

State and Religion in Shi’ah Islamic Thought

Today I am beginning a series of publications of articles about the Shia faith, culture and history. I think that it is important, crucial in fact, to understand the uniqueness and specificity of this branch of Islam which so often either totally ignored or, worse, conflated with Saudi Wahabism. How often do we hear that Iran and Saudi Arabia are “Islamic states”? To a certain degree such a statement is

In the meanwhile, the pro-Western millionaires of Lebanon continue to party

Here is a photo from the website YaLiban (a pro-government website). In a section devoted to pictures from the fighting in Lebanon they also posted this photo with the following caption: A Nation of Opposites: A lingerie fashion show taking place on Wednesday in Dbayeh, north of Beirut. Yeah, you could call that a “Nation of opposites” I suppose… (I am not kidding you – check on the original website!)

BBC becomes a mouthpiece for the Siniora clique possibly in preparation for a foreign intervention

I have just listened to the BBC news about the events in Lebanon. I was baffled to see that it did not even pretend to report objectively about the events in Beirut. Basically, it was “open mike” for the supporters of Siniora, Hariri, Jumblatt and the rest of the CIA stooges. If that is how the BBC presents the events I can’t even begin to imagine what the “idiot box”

Why Hamas should release Gilad Shalit

It will be two years this June since the daring capture of the Israeli corporal Gilad Shalit by the military wing of Hamas, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, in the course of an attack on an IDF position near Gaza. Following this embarrassing incident, the Israelis tried everything they could, including the mass murder of civilians in Gaza, to force Hamas to release Shalit, but to no avail. Numerous diplomatic

Another Imperial disaster: 90,000 civilians flee Mogadishu

It is often forgotten that besides the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the USraelian Empire has also triggered a war by proxy in Somalia when it ordered its Ethiopian stooges to attack and invade Somalia under the pretext that 3 (three!) Al-Qaeda terrorists were hiding there. Soon thereafter the relative stability provided by the Islamic Courts Union was replaced with chaos and warfare. To paraphrase Madelene Albright’s words, “this was

Sadr For “Open War if Gov’t Abandons Path of Peace”

Al-Manar reports: At least eight people have been killed and 22 others injured, including women and children, in renewed fighting between joint US-Iraqi forces and Mahdi Army fighters in Sadr City east of Baghdad. A security source said that the fighting that erupted Sunday predawn included US airstrikes on the City. Loudspeakers at mosques in Baghdad’s Sadr City blared out a call to arms soon after Sayyed Moqtada al-Sadr warned

In Sadr City’s new wall, shadows of Gaza

Aijaz Ahmad: Wall meant to partition Sadr City’s residents is population control ahead of elections As violence continued in Baghdad’s Sadr City district on Friday, attention turned to the wall US forces are building through the neighborhood–a wall that is reminiscent of the one Israel built around the Palestinian territories, as well as US military tactics used during the Vietnam War. The Real News analyst Aijaz Ahmad says that the

Who is the biggest employer in ‘free market’ America? The government!

Government is the Largest Employer: The Fading American Economy by Paul Craig Roberts for the Baltimore Chronicle According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy lost 98,000 private sector jobs in March, half of which were in manufacturing. Today 13,643,000 Americans are employed in manufacturing, of which 9,849,000 are production workers. Government employs 22,387,000 Americans, 8,744,000 more than manufacturing. Even the category leisure and hospitality employs 13,682,000 Americans,
