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Ahmadinejad interview with Channel 4 – full transcript

Every question and answer from last night’s Channel 4 News interview with Jon Snow and the Iranian president” Q: Both the UK and the US have accused Iran of fighting a proxy war inside Iraq? A: “I think the Americans and the British, they should correct themselves …. We know that there is a difference between Americans and the British. The British when they moved out of Barsa, it was

The Saker interviewed by Scott Horton’s radio show on KAOS 95.5 in Austin, Texas

Today, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the anti-war talk show host Scott Horton for his daily show on KAOS 95.5 radio in Austin, Texas. Our conversation covered topics such as the Israel/Neocon Lobby in the USA, its role in getting the US in wars in the Middle-East, its struggle against what I call the “Old Anglo Guard” and Russia’s relationship to the developments in Iran. Please click

The Saker interviews Mizgîn from Kurdistan

Today I am publishing an interview which truly gives me great pleasure: my Q&A email exchange with Mizgîn, a Kurd who has studied in the West and who generally supports the PKK. That is all I can say about her as in fact that is all I know about her. And that is how it should be. On my blog, names do not matter, not even self-evidently nonsensical ones (like,

The Saker interviews Israeli author and speaker Joel Bainerman

I have recently published a very interesting article by the Toronto-born Israeli author and speaker Joel Bainerman entitled “One State Solution is Best“. Having posted his article I decided to contact Joel for some follow-up questions which he kindly agreed to answer. Hopefully, our Q&A exchange will provide a more in depth understanding of Joel’s views and of the one state vs. two state debate. From his answers it appears

The Saker interviews Jonathan Cook from Nazareth

Today I am publishing the second interview in my new series “Saker interviews” (which began with the Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery) with a Q&A email exchange with Jonathan Cook, a British journalist who lives in occupied Palestine and who recently wrote a book, entitled ‘Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State‘, which was published by Pluto Press in Britain in April and in the United

Iran’s asymmetrical response options

By Vineyard Saker – an Axis of Logic exclusive International public opinion is clearly worried about the prospects of a US aggression against Iran and many observers point to the risk to the world economy, of an Iranian attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz. Some also fear that Iran might sink a US aircraft carrier using some combination of missiles, submarines and small attack craft. It also is often

The Saker interviews Uri Avnery from the Israeli Gush Shalom

Today I begin what I hope will be a continuous series of interviews with various participants in the conflicts in the Middle-East. The first person I “spoke” to (by email, actually) is Uri Avnery whose amazing life spans the entire history of Israel. From his political beginning as a 15 year old member of the terrorist group Irgun to becoming the founder of the most consistent Israeli peace group Gush

Daddy – what’s a ‘neocon’?! Ethnic mafia wars is the USA

[Amy Goodman interviews Andrew Cockburn on DemocracyNow! (] Here is a most revealing exchange which occurred at the end of the interview: ——-AMY GOODMAN: In 2006, you write that George W. Bush said to his father, “What’s a neocon?” ANDREW COCKBURN: That’s right. One of the rare moments of sort of communication between the two. Bush said to — they were out at Kennebunkport, and Bush Jr. says, “Can I
