
Libertarian bumper stickers

Bumper stiker politics are truly an US speciality, at least judging by the quantity of cars on the road with bumper stickers, most of which reflect an appaling lack of originality or even thought of any kind: “support our troops” (how? why?), “united we stand” (for what?), “proud to be an American” (why? ever been abroad? have any idea at all about the rest of the world?), or the inevitable

USSR 1974 – USA 2007: back to the future

“What can we do?”. This is an old question indeed. When a nation becomes enslaved by a government of thugs and terrorists one of the main goals of the rulers is to make their subjects believe that there is nothing they can do about it. Failing that, they want to push all the opposition into some activity which would justify the use of violence against them. So what are the

Some thoughts on current events

Can anyone really tell the two factions of the Republicrat Party apart?! I can’t. Its like the choice between (kosher) Pepsi and (kosher) Coke – no difference except the packaging, and all you have inside is corporate-designed crap harmful to your health. Libertarians, Greens, Nation of Islam, Militias are, as far as I can tell, pretty much the only ideological alternatives to the Imperial Republicrats and none of these have

Daddy – what’s a ‘neocon’?! Ethnic mafia wars is the USA

[Amy Goodman interviews Andrew Cockburn on DemocracyNow! (] Here is a most revealing exchange which occurred at the end of the interview: ——-AMY GOODMAN: In 2006, you write that George W. Bush said to his father, “What’s a neocon?” ANDREW COCKBURN: That’s right. One of the rare moments of sort of communication between the two. Bush said to — they were out at Kennebunkport, and Bush Jr. says, “Can I

How they might do it

Here below is a rather typical article warning of the risks of a war with Iran: However, I guess is that the Pengaton is looking at a rather different option: a two-phase war. The first phase would begin by 2-3 days of combined cruise missile and air strikes. The aim would be to degrade as much as can be Iranian C3I capabilities and, even more importantly, to isolate the

Where the Empire meets to plan the next war

Take a guess: where would the Empire’s puppeteers meet to finalize and coordinate their plans to attack Iran? Washington? New York? London? NATO HQ in Brussels? Davos? Nope. In Herzilia. Never heard of that place? The Israeli city of Herzliya is named after Theodor Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, and it has hosted a meeting of the Empire’s Who’s Who over the past several days at the yearly conference
