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Posts From The Saker

I betcha you that you did not know that! Now go and find out more.

Ok, this is hardly “new news”. It’s actually pretty old news already. But still, I decided to post this info here simply because I am under the strong feeling that the vast majority of people out there are simply not aware of these facts. So, here we go. Did you know that I) That in 2006( three years ago!) the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) dropped the famous

The Sound and Fury of the Honduran Coup: Acoustic and Chemical Attacks on Brazilian Embassy

by Laura Carlsen for Americas Mexicoblog * “Acoustic arms” employed by coup government against Brazilian Embassy and protesters*Analysis of chemicals used in attack on Embassy*Reports of radioactive cesium*Offshore factory workers forced to make up days lost due to coup curfews*Political ground shifted to demand for constitutional reforms We have received many reports today of the use of sonic devices and chemical warfare in attacks on the Brazilian Embassy by the

War on Iran still very much “on the table”

Information Clearing House is continuing to publish articles under the heading “Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Iran”. Here are just some of the latest ones: Obama Times Calling Out Iran For Impact Keeping Iran Honest Everything You Know About Iran Is A Myth Obama warns Iran: Won’t rule out military action I completely agree with Tom – the attack on Iran is very much “on the table” and I wonder

Riyadh ‘offers airspace’ for Israel attack on Iran

Press TV reports: Israeli fighter jets have been allowed to use Saudi airspace to launch go-it-alone air strikes on Iranian nuclear installations, says a recent report. The issue ahs been discussed in a closed-door meeting in London, where British Intelligence Chief Sir John Scarlett his Israeli counterpart, Meir Dagan, and Saudi official have been present Daily Express. According to the report Scarlett has been told that Saudi airspace would be

Hitman Says was Offered $25 Million to Kill Chavez

September 26th 2009, by Al Jazeera / Eva Golinger via Venezuela Analysis During a recent news segment, Al Jazeera aired a video obtained from inside Colombia of an interview conducted by police investigators of incarcerated Colombian paramilitary assassin Geovanny Velasquéz Zambrano. During the interview, obtained exclusively by Al Jazeera, the Colombian paramilitary confirmed that a “wealthy Venezuelan politician” named Manuel Rosales, offered him $25 million to assassinate President Chávez by

How Does the World Protect Itself from Israel and the Scourge of Zionism?

by Roger Tucker There are many people, “progressive” Zionists included, who loudly object to the Occupation in the Palestinian territories, but see no problem with the continued existence of an Israel that privileges Jews over all others who happen to live there, particularly the Muslim, Christian and other non-Jewish” citizens.” These people are referred to by Zionists as the “Arab-Israelis,” but they are, of course, Palestinians. This population also includes

New Rule: If America Can’t Get it Together, We Lose the Bald Eagle

(I don’t like Bill Maher one bit, but this time is sure got it right – VS) By Bill Maher for the Huffington Post New Rule: If America can’t get its act together, it must lose the bald eagle as our symbol and replace it with the YouTube video of the puppy that can’t get up. As long as we’re pathetic, we might as well act like it’s cute. I

What would it take to make them understand?!

Here are some of the figures which Michael Moore gave to Amy Goodman today on Democracy Now: This is the way it is now in this country. The wealthiest one percent right have more financial wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined. When you have a situation like that, where the one percent essentially not only own all the wealth, but own Congress, call the shots, are we really telling

Why are they walking out?

Predictably, a group of pro-Zionist countries has staged a walkout yesterday at the UN during Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s speech. Here are the words which triggered this walkout: How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue; to force the entire population of a country out of their homeland for more than 60 years by resorting to force and coercion; to attack them with all types of arms

Speech of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations

(Note: Since I very doubt that many media outlets will provide the full speech of Ahmadinejad at the UN, I grabbed the PDF of his speech on the UN website, ran it throught Kword, cleaned it up and little and posted it here. One note of caution: this version is based on the speech he submitted, and could differ from what he actually said. Also – since this text is

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah Al Qods Day speech

Today is Al Qods Day. It’s the last Friday of the holy Month of Ramadan. Following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the establishment of the Islamic Republic in it, the toppling of the US-Israeli Shah Pahlavi regime and the transformation of the Israeli Embassy in Tehran to the first Palestinian Embassy in the whole world, Imam Khomeini (May Allah glorify his soul) announced the last Friday of

America Has Been Here Before

By Eric Margolis for the Toronto Sun (via Informationclearinghouse) “We should hang a huge neon sign over Afghanistan: “CAUTION: DEJA VU.” Afghanistan’s much ballyhooed recent election staged by its foreign occupiers turned out to be a fraud wrapped up in a farce — as this column predicted a month ago. It was as phony and meaningless as U.S.-run elections in Vietnam in the 1970s. Canada played a shameful role in

Obama’s predictable surprise

The big news this morning is that it appears that the Obama administration has scrapped the plans for the deployment of a ABM system in Europe. Finally. This is somewhat of a surprise, although the Russians were heavily hinting that this might happen already a week ago, but this is also something we should have expected. The first thing to keep in mind here is that this anti-ballistic system made

I don’t want to talk about this, except…

I have just read two pretty good articles on informationclearinghouse, one by Paul Craig Roberts entitled Health Care Deceit and another by Mark Taibbi Sick and Wrong. They both make some very good points. Paul Craig Roberts, in particular, seems to have a unique ability to be right on almost every issue he writes about. Anyway – I have had too many arguments with otherwise nice and sane Americans over

A typical example of “debuking”

Charlie Sheen has recently released a video on YouTube asking Barak Obama for a meeting and a new investigation into 9/11. Here is the video: Far more interesting than the video itself (which I personally find rather mediocre), is the response from the ‘debunkers’. Check out this one:——-Charlie Sheen and Pathetic Conspiracy Theorists By Greg Gutfeld Charlie Sheen has penned a fictitious conversation with President Obama regarding the 9/11 attack.

The 911 Truth Movement

Eight years have now passed since the attacks of 911, and for these eight years I have steered clear from the debate about what exactly happened on 911. Mostly, I defined myself as a ‘911 agnostic’, meaning literally that I had no knowledge of what took place that day. However, being an agnostic does not mean not thinking about a topic. I watched every single ‘truther’ movie out there, read

Obama’s extraordinary speech

For those of you who have not seen this, please listen to Obama’s speech on health care: Now, please, do not conclude that I am posting this speech here because I suddenly became an Obama-groupie. Not at all. I know full well that Obama is a puppet in the hands of backstage puppeteers, and don’t believe in his health care plan at all (I favor the single payer solution). No,

New York police arrest Jewish gang trafficking organs of Algerian children

Watan reports: An Algerian official revealed Sunday the New York city police were able to catch a Jewish gang involved in the abduction of children from Algeria and trafficking of their organs headed by Levy Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum was directly involved in the recent case of trading human organs which raised a storm of reactions in the US and Israel. Dr. Mustafa Khayatti, the head of the Algerian national committee for
