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Report: Hezbollah, Syria to join forces in future clash with Israel

Ha’aretz reports: Kuwait’s al-Rai daily says Lebanon-based group, Syrian army have created a joint military command, dividing potential war fronts. By Jack Khoury and The Associated PressThe Lebanon-based Shi’ite militant group Hezbollah and the Syrian army have initiated a significant military cooperation in joint preparation for the possibility of a future armed conflict with Israel, the Kuwaiti daily al-Rai reported on Monday.The report came as Syrian president Bashar Assad urged

Israelis Risk Jail to Smuggle Palestinians 600 sign up for campaign of disobedience

(thanks to J. for pointing this story out to me – The Saker) by Jonathan Cook for Global Research Nearly 600 Israelis have signed up for a campaign of civil disobedience, vowing to risk jail to smuggle Palestinian women and children into Israel for a brief taste of life outside the occupied West Bank. The Israelis say they have been inspired by the example of Ilana Hammerman, a writer who

Kosovo is American

by Hannes Hofbauer for the Strategic Culture Foundation “Kosovo is Serbian”, is one of the key slogans in every political statement throughout Belgrade and Serbian Diaspora-meetings all-around the world. Orthodox monasteries all over the country seem to prove this point of view. “Kosovo is Albanian territory”, is the answer of the majority of the 1,9 million people living on this territory. Their proof seems to be based on the simple

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Tuesday August 24, 2010

The speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Tuesday August 24, 2010 during an Iftar banquet organized by the Women’s body in the Islamic Resistance Support Organization at Al Kawthar School. ….Our responsibility in Lebanon is that our country be strong, our nation be strong and our people be strong. We must seek to possess the elements of power to survive in the present and to remain

Israeli intelligence infiltrated throughout Lebanese government

by Wayne Madsen for Global Research WMR has learned from its Lebanese intelligence sources that the Lebanese government is coming to realize that Israeli intelligence penetration of all political groups in the country is worse than originally believed. Israel’s Mossad, once content on penetrating the Christian and Druze parties in the country, has now thoroughly infiltrated the top echelons of Sunni and Shi’a parties, as well. Recently, Lebanon charged retired

Very interesting interview with Ray McGovern

Sibel Edmonds and Peter B Collins have interviewed Ray McGovern for their (excellent) podcast The Boiling Frogs.  They touch on a number of interesting topics, including a very good discussion between Sibel and Ray on whether the Wikileak’s “Afghan Diary” papers are a real leak, or a carefully crafted “intox” by the US government. For whatever its worth, I am inclined to agree with Ray McGovern and consider that the

Reflections by Comrade Fidel: the opinion of an expert

by Fidel Castro Ruz If I were to be asked who best knows about Israeli thinking, I would answer that without question it is Jeffrey Goldberg. He is an indefatigable journalist, capable of having dozens of meetings to ascertain how some Israeli leader or intellectual may think.  He is not neutral, of course; he is pro-Israeli, no ands ifs or buts.  When one of them does not agree with the

Red alert! The Russians are coming!

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Hollywood executives and Washington policymakers are suckers for Russophobia. Considering the appalling level of political discourse in both these capitals of mass entertainment, certainly one cannot expect their “opinion leaders” to have read Professor Paul Kennedy’s recent expose of European history packaged as a crash course to Americans about the inevitable downsizing of the US in the emerging, multipolar new world order. Hollywood

What is Russia’s Place in the Middle East?

by Thierry Meyssan for Voltairenet Caught up in a smoldering feud between its President and Prime Minister, Russia is not making the most of the historic opportunity to deploy in the Middle East. Russian elites were unable to draw up a strategy for that region when they had the chance and, now, they are no longer capable of it. In Thierry Meyssan’s view, Moscow is paralyzed, having failed both to

One Democratic State in Palestine

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon:  Living in a world dominated by relentless Zionist lobbying, I am far from being captivated by the current state of Western democracy. I am not impressed at all by the lethal enthusiasm to democratize the World in the name of ‘moral interventionism’. I am sickened by the murderous zeal that led the USA and Britain into a criminal war that left already more than 1.5 million

Translation: Dagestan: How leaders of the underground were liquidated

Today I am testing a new option for which I would like you to give me some feedback: publishing articles in languages other than English, machine translated by Google Language Services.  I will try my best to polish up the translations *if I have the time* (which I mostly do not).  Machine translated texts are readable at best, so don’t expect high quality stuff, but the substance might be very

Riyadh plans to sabotage Hezbollah

Press TV reports: Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah is spending $500 million to implicate Hezbollah in the murder of former Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri, a report says.  Hezbollah has new evidence about the murder of Hariri that, if revealed, would be damaging to Al-Saud, Saudi Arabia’s royal family, the official website of Lebanon’s Free Patriotic Movement party said on Sunday. Nasrallah’s commitment to maintain Lebanon’s peace and unity has forced him

United Against Knowledge

by Gilad Atzmon The Guardian reported today that two Israeli groups have set up training courses in  subversive Wikipedia editing aiming  to ‘show the other side’ of the Jewish State. Those who lend their pen to the Palestinian cause know about Wikipedia Jews, a term that was coined a few years ago. It refers to a bunch of rabid and crypto Zionists who constantly vandalise encyclopaedia entries to do with

Declassified Senate Investigation Files Reveal Clandestine Israeli PR Campaign in America

PRnewswire reports: WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Declassified files from a Senate investigation into Israeli-funded covert public relations and lobbying activity in the United States were released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) on July 23rd, 2010.  The subpoenaed documents reveal Israel‘s clandestine programs for “cultivation of editors,” the “stimulation and placement of suitable articles in the major consumer magazines” as well as U.S. reporting about sensitive subjects

China-US: Wisdom not gunboats

A new US military doctrine, war games, and ASEAN troops in Afghanistan have stirred up an oriental hornet’s nest, says Eric Walberg “From a historical perspective, the US has continuously found enemies and waged wars. Without enemies the US cannot hold the will of the whole nation,” concluded Chinese Air Force Colonel Dai Xu, after perusing the 2010 US defense report. He points to the attempt to turn the Association

Americans for Peace Now interviews Yossi Alpher – ex IDF and Mossad analyst

Americans for Peace Now interviews ex IDF and Mossad analyst Yossi Alpher: Alpher answers questions about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program, and the status of Israeli civil-military relations. Q. Jeffrey Goldberg’s “Atlantic” article on the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program is causing quite a stir. What’s your take? Yossi Alpher A. The article contains a lot of interesting perspectives and is

Israeli Generals and Intel Officials Oppose Striking Iran

By Gareth Porter on Intifada Palestine What Jeffrey Goldberg Didn’t Report Pro-Israeli journalist Jeffrey Goldberg’s article in “The Atlantic” magazine was evidently aimed at showing why the Barack Obama administration should worry that it risks an attack by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Iran in the coming months unless it takes a much more menacing line toward Iran’s nuclear programme. But the article provides new evidence that

War Against Iran as a Method of Promoting Globalism

by Dmitry Sedov for the Strategic Culture Foundation There is little doubt that the US will hit Iran after pulling its troops out of Iraq. Military spending in the US has gained too much momentum to leave any hope that the current dynamics will change in the foreseeable future. The US military-industrial complex and its Pentagon partners have long been preparing the war-against-Iran project, readily resorting to the most unsavory

From Goldstone to Uribe

by Stephen Lendman for the Steve Lendman Blog Despite a credible start, the fix is in. Expect justice again to be denied. After the Gaza War (Operation Cast Lead), the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) appointed Justice Richard Goldstone to lead an independent four-person fact-finding Commission to investigate human rights and humanitarian law violations committed on both sides, Israel doing everything possible to obstruct him in vain. The Commission conducted
