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Posts From The Saker

Could the latest 2+2 meeting finally yield some tangible results? Maybe.

I just watched the short press conference given today in Washington DC by U.S. Secretary of State Kerry, Secretary of Defense Hagel, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Russian Defense Minister Shoigu and I wondered what could come of that meeting.  The good news is that all of these men are experienced and smart politicians (compared to Hillary Kerry is simply a genius).  Furthermore, I doubt that these four would have

Vlad the Hammer vs Obama the Wimp

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Make a plan; then make another plan. Both won’t work. – Bertolt Brecht This is getting ridiculous. The President of the United States (POTUS) screamed and shouted because he wanted his spy (Edward Snowden) back. Snowden, following Russian laws, was granted temporary asylum. The White House was “disappointed”. Then POTUS snubbed the bilateral summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow coinciding with

The homos want to boycott Russian vodka? Here are a few personal tips on how to best enjoy it!

I just saw an RT report about how the homo-lobby in the West is calling for a boycott of the Olympic games in Sochi and a boycott of Russian vodka.   The footage in the report showed a cute slogan which the homos were promoting: “no Sochi, no Stoli”.  Now I don’t have anything to say about Sochi or the Olympics, but I will say this: Stoli aka “Stolichnaya” is not

An open letter from Roger Waters

There has been some comment on the Internet about the Wall Show in Belgium to which I feel I should respond.  One Alon Onfus Asif, an Israeli living in Belgium, came to The Wall show in Belgium last week and being an observant sort of chap Alon noticed a Star of David on the Pig that is destroyed by the audience at the end of the show. Then Alon dutifully

Obama – every bit the pathetic looser that he always was

I never liked Obama and as early as October 2008 I reminded everybody that Malcolm X would certainly consider Obama as a “house Negro“.  Five years later my disgust with this man has almost reached a point where I miss bad old Dubya who, at least, had the excuse of being an ignorant, insecure imbecile.  Obama, of course, has no such excuse.  He is clearly very intelligent, well educated and

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich on Iran’s political course after elections

  Comment: As always, Soraya brings up an important point – the consistently nefarious role of Saudi Arabia which, on one hand, acts like the US and Israeli “poodle” when it closes its airspace to a President whose trips it does not approve of, but which on the other hand strives to impersonate some kind of regional power.  Therein lies the key contradiction: you cannot be somebody’s vassal state *and*

Dimitri Medvedev gives a rather interesting interview to RT TV

I find this interview not so interesting from the point of view of Medvedev’s personal recollection of the 08.08.08 – there is a lot that he is not saying or, even, admitting to – but from the point of his views on wars in general because here he expresses what I would call the “Russian social consensus on war” and that consensus is a key element in the shaping of

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah Speech on Al Quds Day 2013 (HQ video with English subtitles!)

Today I have the huge pleasure to share with you news which I have been awaiting for a long time: somebody has decided to make the speeches of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah available in high quality video and subtitled in English!Check out the YouTube channel ElectronicResistace.  It is a real treasure trove of Hezbollah related videos and, from now on, it will feature the speeches of Hassan Nasrallah with English subtitles.This

Russian and Chinese ground forces practice interoperability in the “Peaceful Mission 2013” joint military exercise

I have recently written about the large scale military exercises conducted by Russia in the Far East and I remember that some clueless commentator (from the BBC I think) wrote that while the maritime component was directed at Japan, the land component was directed at China.  At the time I did not think that it was worth spending any time debunking this silly notion, but today I will mention that

Debunking the nonsense about the upcoming “final” negotiations between the Israelis and their Palestinian puppets

According to the BBC: “Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will aim to reach a “final status” agreement over the next nine months to end their long conflict, the US secretary of state has said. John Kerry said another meeting between the two sides would be held in either Israel or the Palestinian territories in the next two weeks. This, he said, would begin the process of formal negotiations.  Mr Kerry said

“Barbie Breakout” takes a stand on the rights of Russian homosexuals

This is great stuff!  First, check this out:And then, if you wonder how “Barbie Breakout” got “its” looks, here is “Barbie” “itself” showing you “its” tricks (German audio only, but who cares?) Amazing, no? I really wonder if creatures like “Barbie Breakout” have any idea what kind of effects “its” videos have on the Russian public opinion.Probably not.  LOL!The Saker

My hypothesis as to why three FBI agents ended up murdering Ibragim Todashev

RT TV is getting better and better, mostly thanks to the truly excellent reporters they hire. And no, I don’t mean Larry King (Larry King Now), though hiring him was a nice PR coup, but rather folks like Peter Lavelle (Cross Talk) and Abby Martin (Breaking the Set) who talk to the right people and ask the right questions. This time, I want to draw your attention to a most

What basic logic suggests to me about the situation in Egypt

I was just listening to the latest news out of Egypt about the hundred or so people killed today and I kept wondering what kind of convoluted logic would be used to blame it on the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).  And, sure enough, I heard one pundit saying that the demonstrators were responsible because they were not peaceful but armed.  Another commentator then admitted that holding the democratically elected president in

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the annual Iftar dinner of the Women Committee of the “Islamic Resistance Support Organization”

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. First, I would like to welcome you all. I

According to the Russian Foreign Ministrey Al-Qaeda-linked extremists hold 200 Kurdish civilians hostage as ‘live shield’ in Syria

RT reports that, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Al-Qaeda-linked extremists hold 200 Kurdish civilians hostage as ‘live shield’ in Syria: Civilians remain hostage after Syrian Kurds clashed with Al-Qaeda linked militants in the north-eastern Syrian towns of Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ain, along the Syrian-Turkish border over the weekend. “In these areas, there has long been confrontation between the troops of the international extremists affiliated with al-Qaeda and local

Al-Qaeda says its prison raids in Iraq freed 500

Al-Akhbar reports: Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for simultaneous raids on two Iraqi prisons and said more than 500 inmates had been set free, in a statement posted on militant forums on Tuesday. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which was formed earlier this year through a merger between al-Qaeda’s affiliates in Syria and Iraq, said it had carried out the attacks on Abu Ghraib and Taji jails after months

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the annual Iftar dinner of the “Islamic Resistance Support Organization”

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. First I would like to welcome you all in

EU politicians reach a new landmark in mindless subservience to Israel

Recently, we had the EU politicians committing an act of “air piracy” on behalf of the USA, now we have the same folks committing an act of abject subservience to Israel: they have declared that the military wing of Hezbollah is a terrorist organization.  Of course, this statement has nothing to do with terrorism, it is an attempt at punishing Hezbollah for its successful intervention in the Syrian conflict.  The

FSA statement about an al-Qaeda state in northern Syria – fact, rumor or fabrication?

Yesterday, I posted an article and a video about the statement made by FSA officials that al-Qaeda had decided to create an Islamic state in northern Syria.  As posted it “as is” since I did not have the time to comment about it, which is what I want to do today.The first thing which came to my mind yesterday is that this was probably not true, and that the FSA
